Chapter 7

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"So, [Y/N], here is what I have so far for the campaign." Bucky hands me a file from his backpack, on the way to school, "That's not all of it. I'll give you the rest once I have it."

I look at the files and back to Bucky. There's multiple pages filled with ideas to promote his campaign; each page is filled completely, front to back.

"The rest of it? There's more?"

"Rightyo! I just have so many ideas, but that comes when you have such excellence as I do."

Right as I'm about to say something, Bucky starts talking again. "Ah, we're here. I'll see you later cuz! Gotta find the Acey's. You're the second best!"

And with that, he was off while I'm left rolling my eyes at his last comment. Though I suppose this is only fair; helping attempt to recruit the werewolves would put Bucky at much more of a disadvantage than just going over the layout for his whole campaign. I can't afford to play favorites right now.

I skim over the pages, unable to take in any of the content written as I plan. Unconsciously starting to chew on the inside of my cheek, my mind is taken over figuring out my schedule. I have to go over this and make adjustments to it and also work on cheer routines, as well as school work. I suppose I can work on choreographing routines during lunch today and after school I can go over Bucky's campaign at the cafe. As for school work, I can do a little bit here and a little bit there right before bed.

"Hey, [Y/N], you alright there?" Bree questions, breaking me out of my trance. "Hm? Oh Bree! Yeah, I'm alright. Was just lost in thought, that's all." Bree briefly looks down at the papers before meeting my eyes again. She decides to not ask about them for now. "Okay. Well... how have things been going with the werewolves? They haven't been causing you too much stress, have they?"

Her question catches me off guard, but I suppose it makes sense. I never really got around to telling her any more info on being one of the 'werewolf guides', let alone probably the only one who hasn't given up. That is unless anyone else has something at stake like the cheerleading squad. "They've been... manageable. Though it has only been a few days in, so time will tell."

Bree gives me a sympathetic smile and a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder.

After the zombies, we're all pretty open to trying to get along, it's just a matter of if they want to as well. Something is holding them back; they're too focused on something else.


As Bree and I walked into the school, my eyes met with the Principal. The moment her eyes met mine, she wasted no time approaching.

Oh fuck.

Bree notices my expression and the way I stopped talking, her gaze follows mine. We both stop as Ms. Lee approaches. "Miss [L/N], could we have a word in my office please?"

"Uh... yeah, sure."

Ms. Lee leads the way and I follow behind, ending my conversation with Bree, "See you later?"

Bree nods in response "Yeah, sure." Before I fully turn away, Bree mouths "good luck" to me.

Honestly I probably need it.


"Do you know why I've called you in?"

There the Principal sits across from me, tiredness and frustration present in her features and tone. Still unsure of why I'm here, I shake my head.

"Don't recall? Well if I remember correctly, I assigned you to help guide the werewolves into being proper students. So why am I finding reports of students being threatened, homework or any belongings being eaten, lockers being torn, and library security sensors being tampered with? Honestly! The werewolves have only been here for a few days and there is already severe damage to property! We will have to replace those locker doors entirely."

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