Meeting Her...

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We were waiting for them behind a bush behind the ball washers. Come on Ray, let's just go home. It's after 2 in the morning. We must not leave this spot! Ray said. But I got to go pee. Ray said. So much for not leaving! What goes in must come out! Then he ran off to the bathroom. I just sat here. Then made my hand into a monster. Roar! I'm the hand monster! Then a group of people in dark clothes and masks came up to one of the mini golf courses. "Let's hit it" then they all pulled out their spray cans. I ran out from behind the bush. Hey! Stop right there wall dogs! They all stopped and looked at me. "Now look, I only have these one pair of handcuffs, but when captain man gets back he gonna have more" so until he gets here-. Then all came running toward me. Woah woah woah hey hey hey!! They all started running off in different directions but I spotted one in front of me. Your not going anywhere pal! I leaped on them and grabbed their foot. I tore off their mask. Woah, your a girl dog. Thanks for noticing! Get em Rico! She pulled my arm back and fell to the ground trying to crawl away. Woah! There is no Rico! Just let me go she screamed! No you and your pack are going to jail! Your such a herbert! I am not a Herbert! What is a Herbert? A dork, some who is lame and someone who doesn't know what the wall dogs stand for! And what's that, I said. Artistic defiance! Herbert! "Or mabye your just a punk! Who runs around swellveiw with your dark clothes, and wearing your stupid mask! Spray painting stupid stuff cause your a loser! -starts crying- input my hand up to my mouth in a fist position. Oh no, please don't cry! I didn't mean it honest! I went over to grab her hand then she spun me around dragged me to a ball washer and used my handcuffs to lock me up. Aww come on! That's not fair! So I gotta go now, hope you won't miss me much, or these handcuff keys. -chucks handcuff keys into lake- you can run now! But sooner or later were gonna find you! Well I'll make it easy for you. Meet me tomorrow under the swellveiw sign at midnight, come alone. Alone? Then she steps closer to me. Oh you better not, oh no! Please don't! -kisses me- now wasn't that more fun then fighting me? No! Mabye! I can't really be sure unless you do it again! Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow. Then after that she ran off. Then captain man shows up. "I'm done peeing!"

Kid danger or wall dog (Henry danger fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now