The real question good or bad...

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Why would I do that! Oh Henry. Let me explain before you go on spazzing. It started a couple days ago when I found out you were working with the wall dogs. I thought that since you were done with him, I thought you would join us. Me and vandel have been chatting. We are going to team up with his wall dogs and my gadgets and take over the city! Why would you do that? I asked. Because captain man is always the hero, he always saves the day! None of the townsfolk have ever experienced true evil. Together with your help we can weaken captain man and take over the city! And put it into darkness, show people what it's like to feel sad, hated. I look up at him. Isn't that how you have felt? How everyone is always bringing you down about your choices? I nodded, that's exactly how I have felt, alone in the darkness, no one. I wanted others to feel that pain. He went on. Also if you did join us you and Veronica could be together again, just like it was before, but now you would be helping us by taking captain man down. He has worked you too hard, and now he's gonna pay. The more and more he talked, the more I was convinced. But I had to stay true and fight for justice, or did I? I was a new person and I could what I wanted, no one to stop me. He still had more to say. And when everyone was always wanting pictures of captain man, not you but him. You were left and the side lines, that's why he called you his sidekick! He was never gonna give you credit was he! No! I screamed! And now what are you gonna do kid WD? I stood up now, I'm gonna make him pay! The whole city is gonna pay! I was furious. All the things he said were true! He was gonna get captain man, put him in the shadow just like he did to him. Dr maniac opened the cage door. Sorry for treating you like an animal, we had to make sure you wouldn't freak out on us. It's ok, I reply. Then dr maniac said he would talk to me in his office. He lead me down a hall and into a room. I sat down and one end vice versa. He spoke. Now Henry you have to understand joining us is a big deal. You have to go thro with your word. Will you take captain man down? Yes, I will. He laughed, I believe you, but betrayal often happens. That's why we have to do some implanting. What kinda of implanting? I asked. It won't hurt, it will just make us be able to control you. I gasped for breath. What? But I gave you my word! Now Henry, he spoke calm. This is for the best, we need to make sure your on board. I took a breath of air in. Ok let's do it.
The next few minutes were a blur. I was rushed down halls and finally made it to a room, a surgery room. I got on the table. They didn't even lie my down they just held my hands down while dr maniac brought the needle-gun like object. This will hurt a little. We just need to insert this inside you, he explained. Now Henry, once were ready to go into the city. Don't go back on your word, because we will be able to stop you now. That gave Henry the chills. But so what? It didn't matter, all he needed to do what take down captain man. Your the only one who can't stop captain man. He said, then he smiled, nighty night. Then blackness took him as they shot it into his neck. Right as it took him, he considered this was really the right choice, he didn't know anymore.

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