Life at "Old maple grill"

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I sat on the couch. Lounging around. Veronica sat beside me. So kid WD, how has the first couple days been? They have been great, because your here. She leaned in and kissed me. Can you two just stop! Two cans yelled. What is it now. You two have kissed each other 6 times in the last 15 minutes!!! Well we love each other. Gross, spray Z said waking by. Let's pack up, we got work to do on junk-n-stuff. Vandel came downstairs. Make sure you get it good! We all ran out the door. I didn't want to see gotch, or shwaz, or anyone, I just wanted to be with Veronica.
We got there an 1 hour later. Wait! You all know the drill, grab the shop owner and shove him to the floor, rest of you paint the walls. Who the heck wants to touch the weird old guy. I raised my hand, I will. Ok it's settled let's go! We broke into the store and i went for Goutch. I grabbed him behind his desk and shoved him down. Stay down old man! Henry, he whispered. I know it's you. I looked around, they were all painting. I bent down. What do you want! Henry, you need to go back to your family and friends, your failing all your classes and captain man just sits around all day. I laughed, in an evil way. That's their own fault, see how much fun it is being bad? Oh I'm one bad boy! Henry! What's going on with you! Your not yourself! He said. That's cause I'm bad!! Feels goo-. I paused. I only said that when I worked for captain man. Feels baaad!! Goutch frowned. Henry your making a big mistake. Your not a bad kid Henry! I chuckled, you want to see how a bad boy takes care of bad store owners! Hey everyone, I yelled. They all stopped. Let's spray him! They all came running over, and in seconds, Goutch was a rainbow. Then Veronica grabbed my arm and we ran out.
Later that night I was sleeping on the couch and I heard someone shake me and shove a hand over my mouth. Veronica? Ya, Kid WD let's go work on the school. Okay. We got up and quietly snuck out. Once we got there it was about 5-6 in the morning, we had to hurry. I went over to my locker. Hey, this is my locker. Was, remember kid WD. Oh ya. I said. Then we started spraying the school. I just have one question. Veronica asked. Oh and what's that, I said. What's your true identity, who are you, really. I don't think I can tell you. Why not, I thought you liked me. I do! It's just..complicated. I replied. You don't work for captain man anymore remember! You can tell me. She said. I will just let me have one more look around. Okay don't be long, she walked out. I went over to my locker and opened it, I missed it. I missed going to school, being with friends, it's all gone. Then someone came through the door. I knew who arrived this early, I didn't want to see her either. She gasped. I wiped around and saw Charlotte. Henry, why, just why. Charlotte you don't understand, I had so much stress and pressure and-. Henry! I believed in you to always fight for justice, not become one of them! She frowned. I can't believe you would sink to their level! Come on, you can still make things right. I thought for a second. Maybe she was right. Veronica walked in. Well well well. He can't go back, she pulled up my sleeve and showed Charlotte the mark. We smiled in an evil way. She shook her head. Have fun with that, then she went off to class( pretty early). Veronica grabbed me and we ran out of school.
What's up with everyone? They didn't even try to stop me? Something's up, I have got to find out what.

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