The betreyers

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He just stared at her. He looked into eyes and could see water rising up. She blinked rapidly. I'm sorry Henry, I had no other choice. She spoke so scarcely like she thought someone was going to pop out at any moment. They told me to lure you here! She screamed thing time, the tears came. I begged them not to hurt you! They said they would kill me if I didn't! They said I had to act like we were just taking you here! I didn't know! I'm sorry Henry, she was now full on balling. Henry had no words. His heart just sank. Veronica looked back up at him with puffy eyes. Tell me more about what happened, I asked. She began to talk and then I suddenly started feeling sleepy. Henry! Henry passed out inside the black box leaving Veronica alone.
He doesn't remember much of what happened. But he comes out of his sleep daze. He hears people talking, so he doesn't open his eyes. Poor kid, he doesn't know a clue of what's gonna happen to him. But once he's out of the way, we can begin the take over of the city. Henry was shocked at what he just heard, take over of the city? What's going on. He heard a muffled cry. He opened his eyes immediately. It was Veronica. One of the wall dogs had a hand over her mouth. What's she doing here! She supposed to be working. I looked down and realized the two people talking were vandel, and dr maniac. Veronica struggled to escape, but the wall dog held her good. Take her back to the work room! Shouted vandel. I looked around and saw I wasn't in the same room as when I walked in. I was in a much larger room. A door at one side of it, with no windows anywhere. The building looked good in shape. The most shocking was when I looked around from where I was. In a cage on the other side of the room.
I tried to stay still and quiet to soak up as much info as possible. I at one point hatted Veronica. She lead me here, to be killed! She could of denied and just taken me home. But then I remembered what she said. She was forced against her will to take me here, or she would have been killed. I tried to not think of bad things they were doing to her. After another half hour vandel turned around and I quickly shut my eyes. "Hes still asleep, let's go check on the rest of the wall dogs". They left the room. This was his moment! He was alone, he searched the place for anything to help lead him out of this cage. Then he remembered. Just before him and Veronica left, she gave him a cell phone! She was on his side after all. He reached for the cell phone. Then quickly dialed rays number. He didn't answer. Once again hope was gone, but then the voice mail came on. -beep-. Hey it's me kid wall dog. You gotta help me! I only have a little time with this voice mail so listen closely. I am in a cage I need captain man! I have been captured and I only have until tomorrow so please alert him! Tell him I'm with.... Right as I'm about to tell him who I was with, the phone disappeared out of my hand. oh don't worry about kid danger, he'll be dead in a couple of hours. I turned around to see who said it. She hung up the phone. Veronica.
I want to rip her head off. what are you doing! I yell at her. I'm doing my job remember! I had to lure you to be killed! I'm doing my orders! I see anger in her face. What about what happened in the box? Her face and attitude didn't change. Why should I listen to you! Then dr maniac busted in. Here's the phone master. She handed him the phone. Then he came creeping over to my cage. I remember you! Kid dumpster! Oh wait I forgot it's kid danger. He laughed, evily. Like me and Veronica used too. I don't understand what's up with her. She was standing right beside him a blank stare. That was just the first time we met, remember when I knocked you out with a dream beam? He replied with a big evil grin. Yes, I do. I replied. Oh then you know to obey me rather then disobey. I nodded. What am I doing here, I asked. Oh Henry, there's so much you don't know. For starters, Veronica's joined me, same with your buds the wall dogs. And by the looks of it, you might too.

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