Whos side are you really on

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I tried thinking of a way out. Something, anything. I tried to lift my head up. But it was taped down too. I was thinking if dr maniac would forgive him. But he didn't want to be forgave. He knew that what he was doing was wrong. But he couldn't control himself, dr maniac could. He thought for a moment. That's it! That's what they did to Veronica! That's why she was acting weird. Maybe now she was released. He looked over to see her blinking her eyes and was about to say something. Veronica don't say a word, I whispered. She didn't say a word. Henry what's going on. i don't know, all I remember is passing out In front of captain man and then waking up here. She just breathed. Henry, they...they did something to me, she stuttered. They put something inside me, all I remember is is something sharp in my neck. And then waking up here. Veronica, they put a controlling serum in us, they can use us whenever they want. I could hear her breathing heavily. I spoke up. Veronica there's nothing we can do. I heard her start to tear up. Veronica please don't cry, I don't want them to see us. Maybe we can escape. She whispered a little louder this time. Face it Henry, they can control us, we're finished. She was right. I saw a wall dog look back at us. Veronica close your eyes! I don't noticed I was so loud. Hey Vandel, there up. He heard people walking over. "We heard that your up Henry, don't hide it". It was dr maniac. I opened my eyes. "Henry, do you've know what you've done!" I shook my head. "You stopped captain man!" He smiled. I decided to play along with his evil scam. Ha that loser needed some butt whooping. I smiled. "Well Henry, I'm glad to see were still on the same side". I smiled back, we always were. His smile dropped. "Then I hope you won't mind helping me tying up your used to be friends". Still smiling I said, no prob. He walked off, fist clenched. The wall dogs ripped the tape off me and helped me up. I was super dizzy. I felt sick. Henry what are you doing? Charlotte, and Veronica asked. I whispered, trying to save your butts. Hey, I yelled to the wall dogs, help me get em tied up. He got them up and all tied and then set them down on the benches. They were all awake now. Henry how could you? What are you? Are you serious? These questions hit him hard, but his wall stood. He had to fake it just a little while longer before he could complete his plan.
About 45 minutes went by with waiting and taking crap from Goutch, shwaz, Veronica and Charlotte. I tried to secretly tell them I was on their side, but then they got it. They stopped talking and arguing. Then I went and talked to Veronica, so it looked like I was threatening her. Veronica, don't worry I have a plan to save you. Well is it gonna work? Well that's the point right? She laughed. Oh geez Henry. I smiled. She did too. I saw dr maniac heading towards me. Veronica did too. Why Henry! She screamed. Why did you join them! I had to admit, she was a great actress. Because, I replied. Dr maniac is my boss, and we're taking over the city! It actually felt good to say it. I hated myself for that. Why did it feel good to be bad. It must have been the controlling serum. That stuff puts something in you that makes you want to join the bad side. And then, I couldn't help myself. I couldn't stop. You and all your friends are toast. I yelled. I'm gonna take down the whole city and leave you with nothing! Because your a loser. It finally stopped. I felt terrible. Veronica teared up. Dr maniac put an arm over my shoulder. "Good job Henry, finally showing them who's side your really on ". When Veronica looked up I tried to give her a sign that I didn't mean it. I think she might have got it, I mean there controlling her too right? It didn't matter. He had to have his plan ready. Then Dr maniac brought everyone over towards the benches. Then everyone surrounded me. Even captain man was tied up tight on a bench. Every one made a circle around me. Then dr maniac spoke. "Guys this is Henry, and Henry is a bad guy, like us". He was acting weird, like he was about to do something to Henry. "So now since the plan is in motion". "I'd like you to meet kid wall dog, in his true form". His smile, that's the last thing I remember before passing out. Oh no, it was happening again. He was controlling him, and there was no stopping it.

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