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 Jesper was already waiting when we got to the rendezvous, and he immediately rushed over to wrap me in a tight hug when he spotted us. I hugged him back just as tightly but noticed the look Kaz was shooting him and loosened my hold slightly.

"Oh thank the saints," the Zemeni boy muttered. He stepped back but kept a hand on my shoulder. "Inej still isn't back." I frowned and looked at Kaz, but he shook his head.

"Wait," he instructed. "If she doesn't show up in the next half hour, then you can go look. But I don't want you out there alone right now and neither of us would be any good in staying hidden." I sighed but nodded, knowing he was probably right. I sat on the edge of the fountain as I waited, and Kaz soon joined me, lying his cane, which had been broken in the scuffle with the Darkling, on the cobbled ground.

"I'm sorry," he murmured quietly. I glanced up at him and shook my head.

"You have nothing to apologize for," I assured him. "You're trying. I know you're trying, and I could never ask any more of you." He looked down at me and nodded, and I caught a glimpse of a small smile trying to fight its way onto his face.

Before it could fully make its appearance, however, Inej dropped from the roof of the building next to us, crying out in pain as she did.

"Inej!" I called, standing quickly and rushing to her side. I wrapped one of her arms around my shoulders, helping her support herself as Jesper walked over with a small frown as well.

"Hey," he said softly. She groaned quietly and looked between the three of us.

"The Inferni," she said through gritted teeth, "she's dead." Jesper sighed and looked down at the wound on her waist that was seeping blood through her shirt.

"Well, you can't manage a horse," he told her. "Not even riding double." Kaz stood carefully and sighed.

"We'll have to come up with another plan," he said. Inej sighed and shook her head.

"Saints..." Kaz looked around before smirking a bit. He looked down at me, and I could see mischief in his eyes.

"That's a pretty nice ride." He nodded to the side, and I followed his gaze to see the Darkling's trademark black carriage sitting at the edge of town. I mirrored his smirk and nodded.

"Yes, indeed it is." He pointed me and Jesper towards the coach and took Inej, sneaking around the other side. Jesper and I nudged each other excitedly as we walked up to the door, which Jesper through open with a grin. Sitting inside was a Grisha in a purple kefta that I recognized slightly from before I left the Little Palace.

"Oh," I said, surprised. "Hello, David!" He looked at me, furrowing his brows slightly before he realized Jesper was also there. His eyes widened, and he threw his book towards us, jumping out the other side of the carriage. I heard a thud and grinned as I realized Kaz had knocked him out. Jesper and I climbed inside the coach, and I stood on the edge as he jumped out the door, holding up the book David had thrown, titled 'Shadow and Bone.'


He shook his head.

"He threw a book at me," he mumbled. Kaz nodded him towards the front of the carriage, and he walked away, helping Inej onto the front seat as Kaz climbed inside the coach with me, pulling the door closed behind him. It was only a moment before the vehicle lurched into motion and I was able to relax a bit more in my seat. It was silent for a while, and I watched out the window as the countryside raced past.

"What's wrong?" Kaz asked. I looked over at him, furrowing my brows. "You're never this quiet. Never have been since the day I met you. So what is it? What's wrong?" When I didn't respond, he frowned a bit. "Is it because of him?" I sighed. Of course he knew. When did he not?

"This is the first time I've seen him in nearly ten years, Kaz," I said quietly. "And he tried to kill us. When I left, he was trying to use me. But he never directly hurt me. But now..." I shook my head. "Now he knows that there's no chance of him ever getting what he wants from me. But I know what he's planning, all of it. And I don't think there's anything he wouldn't do to keep that from getting out before he's ready to move." I frowned and looked down at my lap. "Including hurting you."

He cautiously reached out and placed a hand on my knee, making me look up at him. When I looked into his eyes, there was not a trace of doubt in them.

"If it means keeping you safe..," he said softly, "let him." He shook his head. "Let him hurt me, let him torture me. I will never give you up. Not to him... Not to anybody." I smiled softly and nodded.

"Looks like you're stuck with me then." He smiled a bit.

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

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