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hey guess what


yes, yes, season two has in fact been out for months but hey, I'm about to go to college so I've been a little busy

no, part 2 of midnight thoughts (and swan song) are not complete, but I have more written on them (and maybe another *cough cough*) than I thought, so why not have at it?

so, you know... here's the prologue of part 2 :)

Five dark-clad strangers were nothing new in Ketterdam. There were new faces every day, and the majority of people in the Barrel hid themselves in dark clothes and stony faces. There were few exceptions, however, and the Crows and their new child friend were one of them.

"Home sweet home," the sharpshooter said, looking around the familiar city. "Straight off the boat from Ravka and no one was waiting to kill us as soon as we arrived. Yay! That's a good sign." He sighed happily as he followed his friends as Karlin glanced down at the frightened Ravkan healer clutching tightly to her hand. "I think I might celebrate with a little dice and debauchery."

"No debauchery," Kaz and Karlin muttered together. Jesper grinned and shrugged.

"Dice then." Kaz shook his head.

"No dice. We have stops to make." Inej looked up at him.

"What's first?" she asked. "Tante Heleen?" The black-clad man shook his head again.

"We get to the Crow Club."

It would have been a relatively straightforward plan if they hadn't been stopped in their tracks by the sight of an unfamiliar sign hanging in the doorway of their club.

"Where's our sign?" Jesper asked, staring up at it.

"It's been replaced," Kaz stated obviously.

""The Kaelish Prince?"" Inej read. Jesper scoffed.

"What sort of name is that?" Karlin sighed.

"A Kaelish one." Kaz's eyes scanned the area, and he nudged Karlin with his cane as he spotted a familiar tattoo on the neck of one of the bouncers.

"Dime Lions," he muttered. She frowned.

"Pekka Rollins owns the Crow Club?" she asked incredulously. Jesper glanced between them.

"Where does that leave us?" he asked. "Are you saying we have no home?" He shook his head sadly. "My suits. All my hats." Karlin sighed.

"I'm sure you'll find more," she said quietly. "We have more pressing matters right now." She furrowed her brows and glanced up at him. "No offense." He smiled a bit and shook his head, and Kaz sighed, turning to face his Crows.

"Split up," he said. "It's not safe. Karlin, with me." She nodded, but before any of them could move to disappear, a Stadwatch whistle blew, stopping them in their tracks. Odhrán ducked behind Karlin, peering out from behind her as she shook.

"Halt!" the Constable yelled, making the four look back at them. "You four. Hands up!" The Crows did as instructed, and the man looked between them with a sick smile. "Kaz Brekker. Jesper Fahey. Karlin Kaye. And Inej Ghafa." He sighed, shaking his head. "Only a matter of time before you turned up." Kaz arched a brow, looking between the patrol members.

"Is there a problem?" he asked.

"For you? Yeah. You're wanted for murder." Jesper sighed, dropping his hands.

"What?" he muttered. "We just got back in town." The Stadwatch turned their weapons on him, and he quickly raised his hands again. Karlin sighed and shook her head.

"Unless it's a crime to kill Volcra," she spat. Kaz glanced down at him and shook his head.

"Very funny, Panther," Sem said coldly. He smirked. "Or perhaps there's another name for you. Word's got out that there was another Summoner in the Fold. Another Shadow Summoner helping the Darkling and his sun queen." He pulled a sheet of paper out of his pocket and unfolded it, revealing a wanted poster displaying not only Kirigan and Alina but Karlin as well. Odhrán looked up at Karlin with confusion in her light eyes. Kaz's blood ran cold, and he looked down at her as she clenched her jaw. "Keep those hands apart, Shadowling." He looked at Jesper. "Now, slowly, you hand over those shooters."

The Zemeni boy did as he was told, and Kaz cautiously reached across Karlin, catching her attention as he nodded towards Inej. As if she knew what he was thinking, the Wraith took her friend's hand gently, nodding to Kaz before she led the dark-haired girl and her young charge away from the Stadwatch silently. Once they were far enough away, Karlin leaned back on a wall in a darkened alley and took a deep, shaky breath. Inej gently placed her hands on her friend's arms.

"Are you okay?" she asked quietly. Karlin shook her head with furrowed brows.

"No, I'm not," she admitted. "How could he- How could they know??" She looked up at the Suli girl. "We were the only ones to survive the Fold. Us, Zoya, Alina, and Mal, that's it! How could they know about me??" Inej sighed and shook her head.

"I don't know," she said. "Unless... Unless we weren't the only ones to make it out." Karlin took another moment to catch her breath before Odhrán squeezed her hand gently. The dark-haired girl smiled down at her before pushing herself off the wall.

"Okay," she muttered. "Let's go get our boys."

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