- Seven -

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"So why wasn't Gems at home?" Louis asks curiously before he takes a bite of his pizza. He was honestly afraid that she'd be home and get mad for spending time with her brother, but he was lucky she wasn't there.

Harry hums, swallowing his food before he responds. "She's been with Zayn the entire day, I guess they're dating now." He shrugs and takes a sip of his cold coke. "Curly, they're not dating." Louis laughs shaking his head. "They're just fucking."

The younger boy almost chokes on his coke shaking his head. "Jesus Christ, Louis! You can't just say something like that. That's my sister!" Harry frowns looking down at his food, so his sister is doing that too. He thought partying and all that was already bad, but engaging in premarital intercourse is even worse. Well that's what Harry thought.

"Alright I'm sorry, but I figured you deserved to know how it works." Louis chuckles and shrugs. "But by your facial expression I assume you wished you didn't know." Harry sighs shaking his head. "It's not that, it's just.. we've been raised a certain way, what she's doing is against our beliefs."

Louis raises an eyebrow, curiosity taking over. "Have you maybe thought about Gemma having her own beliefs? I'm not saying what you christians preach is all bullshit, she just decided not to live by all that. She can make her own decisions, what's so wrong about that?"

Now Harry is intrigued, what Louis is saying makes sense, but they've been taught to behave a certain way, or else they'll end up in hell and Harry really doesn't want that. "I get that, but doesn't she want to go to heaven with all of us? If she doesn't confess none of this will be forgiven.." He sounds rather sad and Louis is actually shocked by how brainwashed Harry seems to be.

"Oh curly.." He sighs with a sad smile. "Heaven and hell is a lie, there's nothing like that. When you die, you're dead, that's it. Honestly I feel like religion and the community is important, all the cohesion and hope and faith and what not, but some of your people are just spreading hate." He pauses to take a bite of his pizza before he continues.

"People like me are discriminated for liking the same gender and believe me, that's all man-made. I learned that god loves all his children, no matter the sexuality, looks or whatever. Why would god care if you have sex before you're married? Let me tell you, he doesn't. It's a social construct, it's bullshit."

He finishes, watching as Harry's brain tries to understand all that's been said. "I guess.. that makes sense? But why do they teach us all that then? Why are we supposed to hate people for who they love? Why is it forbidden to.. have some fun?"

"They love being in control. The church is all about power, I'm sure that's not what god intended." Louis simply says with a shrug, this doesn't affect him as much as it affects Harry, who feels like his life is a lie. "I guess Gemma is doing it right then, living her life the way she wants to." He smiles small as he nods.

It makes him honestly wonder what his life would be like, if he wasn't controlled by his parents and his religion. Would he question his sexuality at all or would the awareness come naturally? He won't ever find out, because unfortunately he's living this life.

"What about you?" Louis leans forward with a smile. "Me? What do you mean?" Harry looks confused as to what Louis might be talking about, but deep down he knows. He knows that this is about his sexuality and the way he tries to hide everything that's against what his parents taught him.

"Are you going to live your life the way you want to?" Louis asks curiously, but Harry just gives him a sad smile as he shakes his head. "Not all of us are that lucky, you know?" He pauses for a second but before Louis can say anything Harry interrupts him. "Can we just change the topic?"

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