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When Harry wakes up the next morning he feels like his head might explode. His entire body is sore from all the sex they had and the hangover is making it hard for him to open his eyes. He's definitely not used to drinking that much and he regrets getting that drunk. He turns to his side whining softly when he feels how sore his ass is. He hides his face in Louis' chest who barely stirs when he feels Harry's weight on him, he just wraps his arms around him to pull his boyfriend on top of himself. Harry can feel him breathe into his hair softly as he closes his eyes again, he really likes being this close to Louis. He's not bothered by the faint smell of alcohol that comes from the older boy, especially because he's sure he smells like rum as well. It doesn't take too long and then he's asleep again, tightly held in Louis' embrace.

Not even two hours later Louis is the one to wake up, his movement waking Harry as well. He stretches below the curly haired boy before he groans. "Haz.. I really need a wee." He says groggily so Harry rolls off of him hiding his face in the pillow. "Hurry up, want to cuddle." He mumbles making Louis chuckle as he gets up sleepily. He goes to do his business and when he returns Harry is still laying on his stomach, his face in the pillow below him. Louis smirks when he sees that the covers have moved enough to expose his perky ass.

They didn't bother to get dressed again last night so they ended up sleeping naked. The blue eyed boy climbs on to the bed and then gets on top of his boyfriend who whines in pain. "My bum Lou.." He feels Louis kiss his shoulder gently before he stops all the movement and just stays still on top of him. "That was a bit much, wasn't it?" He asks referring to last nights events.  Harry did take a lot and Louis was quite surprised to say the least, he wouldn't have thought he'd be able to go through so many orgasms without complaining one bit. He must be uncomfortably sore.

Harry nods gently pushing Louis off of his back. "Everything hurts.. my head too." He frowns turning to wrap himself around his older boyfriend. "I'm so sorry baby." Louis kisses his forehead as he wraps his arms around him. "But I'm not at fault for the pain in your head." He chuckles as Harry pouts up at him. "I was drinking too much. But you drank a lot too, why are you not feeling like shit?" He asks and Louis laughs. "I told you I'm a bit more resistant which is why I don't have a headache." The younger boy huffs closing his eyes. "Guess I'm the only one suffering here."

"I'm afraid you are." Louis chuckles closing his eyes as well. Harry feels so good in his arms he never wants to let him go. He sighs gently running his fingertips up and down his back. "Want to sleep a little more?" He whispers to which the younger boy hums. "Yes, please." Harry sighs softly, completely relaxing in Louis' arms. Being held by him is definitely a nice feeling. Louis just nods starting to hum a song gently as he continues to rub Harry's back, making him fall asleep again rather quickly.

He's never felt so at peace like he does with Harry, he never wants to let him go. He watches him sleep for a while, gently running his fingers through his curls before he drifts off to sleep as well.


A few hours later Harry wakes up feeling so much better, he smiles satisfied now that his head is not pounding anymore. His ass is still sore though, so when he tries to sit up he hisses and lays down again frustrated. Unfortunately he's sure he's going to be in pain the entire day. "Is it your bum?" Louis mutters, eyes still closed. He feels quite bad about it, he didn't intend to inflict so much pain on the boy. He figured he might be sore but he thought it wouldn't be that bad and not once did Harry ask him to slow down or stop, rather the opposite.

Harry hums with a nod. "I can't sit properly." He admits a bit embarrassed and Louis chuckles rolling on to his side and opening his eyes to look at him. "Want me to kiss it better?" He grins placing his hand on his chest and rubbing it gently. Of course Harry would love him to kiss it better but he knows them too well, it wouldn't stop at that and he really can't have sex today. "I don't think that's a good idea." Harry laughs lightly which results in a smirk spreading across Louis' face. "Yeah you're right, you'd probably beg me to fuck you and we really don't want you in any more pain, do we?"

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