- Twenty-Four -

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"We're crazy for that, aren't we?" Harry asks as him and Louis pack some things into a suitcase. "Probably, but I'd rather start a new life somewhere else with you than watch you being locked up in some crazy catholic school." And matter of fact Harry agrees, he doesn't want to go to some weird school that is specialised in making people straight, however the fuck that is supposed to work anyways.

He smiles small looking at the older boy. "I won't let them take me away from you." Louis places a kiss on Harry's forehead before he goes back to work. While he messily throws his stuff on the bed Harry folds the clothes neatly putting them away.

They asked Gemma to pack some of his own stuff since it's probably not a good idea for him to go home. Harry is honestly scared to even think about that place, he's not welcome there and besides that he's afraid that his parents might just take him and force him to leave Louis.

Harry is deep in his thoughts when suddenly his phone rings again. His parents are calling him for the 50th time today and slowly but surly he's scared something might go wrong. "I should block their numbers.." He sighs taking his phone in his hand and declining the call. He quickly blocks his father's contact before switching to his mother's. He stares at it for a moment, tears pooling in his eyes as his finger hovers over the 'block this caller' button. She always gave him and Gemma so much love, she took good care of them and while their father was a cold hearted and strict man, their mother was the sweetest person there could be. She hasn't done anything to him but then again, she hasn't done anything to help him either.

He quickly clicks on the button before he gets the chance to change his mind. He hopes that maybe some day his mother will come around and accept him for who he is and he knows he'd forgive her for not protecting him the way she should've.

"Hey.. Are you okay?" Louis sits down on the bed next to Harry, he can see he's upset, he can almost hear his thoughts running wild. "I think so, I just- I'm gonna miss my mum." He admits while quickly wiping away the tear that manages to slip out and run down his cheek. Louis nods and pulls Harry in for a hug, wrapping his arms around him tightly. "Did you change your mind? Would you rather stay?" He whispers as the younger boy shakes his head, melting into the hug. "No.. I want to be free, I want to be with you." He pulls away and cups Louis' cheeks before pushing his lips on to his.

The kiss is slow and loving and he wouldn't want to give this up, not now, not ever. "Let's finish up so we can get your stuff, alright?" The blue eyed boy whispers after breaking the kiss. They both know they can't be happy here, leaving everything behind is the only option.


Gemma just threw Harry's suitcase into her car when suddenly the front door is opened, her mother rushing out. "What are you doing? Do you know where Harry is?" Her mother looks worried, her eyes are glossy as if she's trying her best to hold back her tears, but Gemma can't trust her. She's always had their father's back and she's sure she would take his stand in this situation as well.

She shuts the trunk of her car and sighs. "He's gone mum.. He's not coming back." Her heart breaks knowing how much their mother loves them, but Harry is smart for running away, even if that means she's not going to see her little brother either. "But you know where he is.. Please Gemma I just want him to come home, we can talk about everything." She tries as she steps forward but Gemma just shakes her head. "Even if I knew where he was, I wouldn't tell you.. and there's nothing to talk about, not after what dad did to him and you just standing there doing absolutely nothing." She opens the car door, soon feeling her mother's hand on her shoulder.

"I just want him to be safe, I'm worried. I know what your father did was wrong, but Harry can't just leave.. he has school to attend." After turning around fully to look at her mother Gemma can't help but laugh. "Safe is anywhere but here mum, you lost him- I lost him thanks to you. As our parents you're supposed to protect us but you're the threat we have to be afraid of." And with that she doesn't give her mother another chance to reply as she gets into her car shutting the door. She doesn't even look back before she drives off. Maybe she should run away too.

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