- Seventeen -

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"Don't you dare reply to that Harry." Gemma warns, ripping the phone out of his hand. "Please! Gems I don't believe this, maybe I did something wrong and h-he's just scared to tell me." Harry argues as he sits up to reach for his phone in his sister's hand.

The poor boy actually thinks he could change something about his situation if he asks Louis what went wrong, but Gemma knows that's not it.

"Haz, I've known Louis for a while and if he'd have some kind of issue with you he'd tell you, but this is on him. He's an asshole, a fuckboy, a heartbreaker.." She pauses for a second, not sure whether to say more or to leave it at that, but Harry deserves to know what kind of person Louis is.

"As much as this hurts Harry, you don't mean anything to him, he's fucking around and nothing else, so even if you'd let him.. you know, he would drop you afterwards anyways. Don't you dare change for him or anyone for that matter." She frowns, it hurts to see Harry sad like this.

There are fresh tears running down his face, because the truth honestly hurts and as much as he hates to admit it, Gemma is probably right. Just the way Louis treated him the last 24 hours shows that Harry is not even the slightest bit important to him.

"Do you think whenever we didn't see each other he.. had sex with others?" Harry whispers sadly, his voice cracking. He's not sure if he wants to know that, but he had to ask, as much as the answer will hurt.

Gemma hates to nod but she does it nonetheless. "I wouldn't know why he would treat you differently than he treated others, especially after seeing that message he sent you."

The curly haired boy nods, not able to stop the tears from falling as a shiver of disgust crawls up his back. He realises he was just a toy. "I was just a trophy, he just wanted to take my virginity.." His face saddens even more after coming to the conclusion that this was all just a game for Louis.

"I'm really sorry Harry." Gemma sighs, she pulls the younger boy towards her and hugs him tightly. She wants to keep him safe, he doesn't deserve to feel like this. She swears to make sure Louis suffers just as much as her little brother does.

But Louis on the other hand is doing great. Or so he tries to tell himself.

After the argument with his father the night before he decides he'll start to call boys over daily just to piss him off, well and to forget about Harry.

Unfortunately the curly haired angel is on his mind constantly. It doesn't matter with which boy he is right now, it's always Harry that his mind is going to. Of course he tries to talk himself into believing that if he fucks just enough guys he'll forget about him.

Or maybe if he's high enough his mind will stop reminding him of the beauty whose heart he broke, just for the sake of his own feelings to not get hurt.

So now that the random boy just left his house he lays on his bed lighting a joint. It's his third one today and he feels like nothing is helping his case, by hurting Harry to protect his own heart he eventually still hurt his own feelings and now he's not sure what to do.

He regrets sending that dumb message and he wished he could take it back. He's sure Harry won't ever trust him again, even if he goes and apologises, even if he'd beg for forgiveness and for him to take him back he's sure Harry would reject him.

Louis runs his hand over his face in frustration, he fucked up big time by pushing Harry away and he knows it too well. The curly haired boy felt like the only good thing he's had in a while and he ruined it, just like he ruins everything.

But the fear of getting his feelings hurt and his heart broken is too big, as painful as it is to know that he hurt Harry, he needs to protect his own heart and forget him as quickly as possible.

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