- Eleven -

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After calling Gemma several times she finally agrees to pick Harry up and get him home. She is clearly confused why Harry is at a party, but the fact that he sounds a bit drunk is somehow amusing.

As soon as Gemma texts him that she's in front of the house Harry says his goodbyes to Liam and Zayn, before hugging Louis one last time and leaving the house with a small smile on his lips.

After climbing into Gemma's car she drives off, looking at him from the side, confusion visible in her face.

"What were you doing here?" She asks curiously, Harry doesn't miss the worry in her voice as he shrugs. "Louis asked me to come to the party.."

"Louis did?" Of course he did, Gemma tries not to roll her eyes at that. "And what happened?"

"Nothing.. we had a lot of fun I'd say." Harry bites into his lip at the thought of him and Louis kissing multiple times tonight. It's weird how the feeling of disgust and self-hatred got turned into pure happiness at just the simple thought of Louis. He actually enjoyed what happened tonight.

The brunette girl shakes her head before she stops on the side of the road. She turns to look at her brother. "You seem oddly happy, is it the alcohol? How much have you been drinking? Oh god, did you take other drugs?!" Harry laughs shaking his head. "Gems, calm down. I just drank some alcohol, I'm fine."

He looks down at his hands in his lap, trying his best to suppress the bright smile that's creeping on to his face. "Can I tell you something? But you have to promise to keep it a secret.." He looks up at her, eyes full of hope and happiness. "And no judgement?"

"Of course, you can tell me anything. I won't tell anyone. H, you're my baby brother, I would never judge you. I love you." She nods, making sure he knows he's safe with her she takes his hand in hers. "So, what's going on?"

Harry takes a deep breath, smiling at his sister as he speaks up. "I think I like boys.. well this one boy in particular-"

"Harry.." Gemma cuts him off, scared that he's going to tell her that he likes Louis. That's the last thing he needs honestly, Harry being proud of his sexuality is important and she's happy for him, but he shouldn't make this experience with Louis.

The younger boy's smile drops, scared that telling his sister was a mistake he backtracks shaking his head. "I-I.. I tried everything Gemma, really I did." He begins, fear evident on his face as he tries to explain himself.

"I prayed but god is not helping me, it was getting worse and I know I can't stop it." He continues and Gemma shakes her head with a smile. "Haz, it's okay. You don't have to explain that to me. I was just wondering if it was Louis who you were talking about?"

Harry sighs in relief and nods. "We kissed.. a lot." He blushes shaking his head.

Gemma is taken aback, they were taught to hate people who are attracted to the same gender, or contradict the church's standards in any kind of way. They were taught that it's a sin and that sinners go to hell.

She's not one to believe such things, but Harry on the other hand is a strict believer, he trusts in the bible and in god because he hasn't learned anything else. So it's a surprise to her how calm Harry is about the entire thing.

"Well that's.. unexpected honestly." She says with a small laugh. "How come the change of heart? When did you realise you're interested in boys?" She's honestly curious how he changed in such a small period of time.

"A few weeks ago.. I was all alone with this, god wouldn't help me and when I talked to Louis and Liam about it they kind of opened my eyes.. It helps talking to you about it too." The curly haired boy smiles as Gemma squeezes his hand. "I'm glad you realised that being open is important and that it's not god who said liking the same gender is a sin."

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