- Twenty-One -

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well somehow at least 🥴

I know it's been a while since my last update but I'll try to be more consistent now

To be honest I had a rough time writing this story cause I keep hating whatever I come up with and it's really frustrating if you're not happy with your work 😩

plus I applied for dual studies for which I had to prepare a whole ass presentation so I then didn't have much time to write 🥲

but I love this story and I really want to continue writing, so please bare with me 😔

Anyways enjoy the new chapter ❤️


Harry doesn't see Louis until he stands almost right in front of him, making him stop in his tracks. His expression is unreadable and Louis is not sure if Harry even wants to see him or talk to him, which is why he tries to keep his distance at first, but the state his face is in just throws him off completely.

"Oh fuck.. Oh god baby.." He reaches out to touch Harry's face but stops right before his hand can collide with his bruised skin. He's not sure if Harry wants to be touched by him and god forbid he hurts this poor soul in any kind of way.

"What the fuck did he do to you?" The anger inside him makes his blood boil, he wants to kill this man. The curly haired boy is not sure what to say, he's unable to respond properly, it's all too much as he just breaks down into heart wrenching sobs.

He wraps his arms around Louis as he cries into his shoulder, his body shakes and he grips on to the blue eyed boy's shirt for comfort.

Louis doesn't hesitate as he wraps his arms around Harry and by the way his lanky body tenses he knows there are not only bruises on his face. "You're alright now, I promise love. I will protect you." He whispers into Harry's hair but he just shakes his head, not able to form a coherent sentence.

"I'm so sorry love.. This is all my fault." Louis continues to speak softly, his hand gently rubbing Harry's sore back, who just keeps shaking his head. "It's not." He croaks out after he finally finds his voice again. He pulls away slightly to wipe his eyes. "You couldn't know." He continues quietly and Louis just nods pulling Harry back into his arms.

Of course Harry melts into the smaller boy's arms relieved. Even though every touch to his body hurts he missed him so much and now he can finally be hugged by him again.

Sadly he knows this won't last long, which is why he wouldn't push him away even if he knew his hug could kill hin. He's afraid he's not going to see Louis again after being sent away.

"Haz.." This time it's Louis who pulls away, he takes Harry's hands in his instead. "I'm really sorry for how I treated you, I'm sorry how everything ended.. I-" He shakes his head as he averts his eyes, looking anywhere but Harry. "I'm not good at these type of things, I suck at feelings and all that."

A small smile appears on his lips as he looks back at the younger boy. "But I really like you Harry, a lot.. I'm sorry that I decided to push you away because I like you so much it fucking hurt to not be near you. I missed you so much baby-" He gets cut off when Harry just pushes himself against Louis, placing his plump lips on his.

Louis closes his eyes melting into the kiss instantly. He gently cups the younger's cheeks, trying not to hurt his face as he carefully kisses back, feeling Harry wrap his arms around him and pull him even closer.

The second he opens his mouth the slightest bit Louis pushes his tongue between his lips, roaming his mouth at a slow pace. It's a passionate but gentle kiss and Harry enjoys every second of it.

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