- I TOUCHED GRASS (totally not lying)

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•so recently i've been going out a lot more often now compared to last year

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so recently i've been going out a lot more often now compared to last year.

i apologise for not updating as often as i used to be for i realized that i needed to step out of my head for a bit, if you catch my drift.

to be very honest, most days i feel so lonely sitting alone at home, not seeing anyone other than my parents around the house. back then, i had so many time writing chapters and brainstorming over my characters' growth and my stories' pacing but since i've been dedicating my time focusing in school and my social life, i've nearly forgotten abt my universes here

yes i like to call them universes because i like to think im in the story

but it didn't rlly mean that i stopped thinking abt my stories, it's just that i thought maybe i needed to take a break from daydreaming all the time and get in touch with real people

because once you start consuming a lot of fiction, sometimes you forget what real life is like.

hell, i've already got high standards for men which makes me more single than most of my friends are lol im sorry im touch starved

so where have you been, kia? why disappear all of a sudden?

good question, i've sorta been traveling all around the city.

a few months ago, my cousins have convinced my parents to start going to cosplay conventions with them and dress up as our favorite anime/game characters.

my first time was very uhh—scary

well at first because i literally froze when i got there with my very subtle cosplay of mio akiyama from K-On. i was scared that people would take pictures of me and i'd look like a friggin statue lmaoo

but i let loose a bit and took pics with a few cosplayers and 4 ppl asked to take a pic with me so i was like sure

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but i let loose a bit and took pics with a few cosplayers and 4 ppl asked to take a pic with me so i was like sure.

then just this august, i recently went to another cosplay convention and a big one too. this time, i cosplayed as Mai Sakurajima from Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai (whew long title).

this october, i will be going to another big cosplay convention as mio akiyama again in full cosplay this time

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this october, i will be going to another big cosplay convention as mio akiyama again in full cosplay this time. so with my deadlines and all that jazz, you could pretty much tell i've been preparing for them for quite some time now.

i swear to god i didn't really expect to be this busy after going to art school, especially since this is gonna be my last year as a highschooler. it's pressuring. i'm basically trying my best to enjoy my time as a teenager as quick as possible since once i turn 18, i have so much responsibilities to handle. especially since i'm about to go to college around that time too.

i write chapters from time to time especially whenever i'm bored but y'know lately, i just want to experience life you know what i mean? i spent most of my time growing up in this app by writing all these stories about lives and scenarios that i've imagined because i missed out on a lot of things.

now that i have the chance to make it up, i wanted to live in the moment and enjoy it while it lasts. if there's anyone that deserves a bit of freedom and happiness besides my OCs, obvs that would be me too.

this post doesn't really mean that i will fully be on hiatus but rather my activity in this app will be less active than it usually was and updates from books will probably take me a few months to post rather than monthly/weekly.

however if you wish to get more updates about me, i am much more active on instagram! (insta: francoodle) i follow back too so if u ever want a chat w/ me, im always open!

also shoutout to pap and bea for messaging me abt my books lol ily guys sm

ok signing off, ill see u in a bit x

- kia

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