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Myrtle sat in her car staring at the ticket in her hands, outside of her house

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Myrtle sat in her car staring at the ticket in her hands, outside of her house. "how'd I get talked into this." she asked herself shaking her head. "He's got a face that'd make you square off with a devil and a voice that could lure you right off a cliff if he called." Myrtle's mind told her. "and you're hopeless." Myrtle sighed sinking into her car seat, holding the ticket to her chest. 

"Pittsburgh." she mumbled scrunching up her nose. and laughed at herself, "Pittsburgh....with Eddie Munson, who you never knew existed really..." Myrtle sighed again. "but he didn't know you did either." she uttered. 

"Wait til I tell Robin she's gonna freak out." Myrtle thought finally heading inside. No matter how strange the night was, no matter how strange they'd been the last couple of days. The people she'd spent them with made them the highlight of her year. Somehow it made everything waiting behind her front door less frightening.

"Why are you trying to infiltrate my life?" Patrick asked hearing Myrtle enter the house. "e-excuse me?" Myrtle asked taken by surprise as her brother rushed towards her with angry eyes. "I'm not...I don't understand." Myrtle said.

"Jason called, he says you spent the day with Chrissy, Chrissy Cunningham. His girlfriend!" Patrick raged. Myrtle side glanced, she didn't want to lie to Patrick and she certainly didn't want to while he was so upset. "Pat, she just wants me to give her some ballet pointers to up her cheer game." Myrtle said.

"Stop trying to sound cool! stop trying to leech off of me!" Patrick shouted. "I'm not, I was using her words. wait...leeching?" Myrtle asked. "yes,  my parents, my life, and my friends. clawing your way to make things better for yourself." Patrick ranted.

Myrtle shook her head, "I wouldn't, Pat - Look I won't say a word to Chrissy ever again if that helps." Myrtle spoke with quick words. "No, cause then she'll ask why, and Jason will tell her things and she'll tell him not to hang out with me anymore or worse kick me off the team." Patrick said.

"Chrissy wouldn't do that...she's nice.  I-" Myrtle took a deep breath "I wasn't at Chrissy's, I went to The Hideout." Myrtle confessed, peering up at her brother, eyes pleading to be believed. But instead, he started to laugh, it was a bitter sound. "Right, so now you're a freak on top of being lame? Do you know what they do there? get high and torture cats." Patrick said.

Myrtle scowled, "they do not!" she called. "they listen to music...and drink..a little. But that's it. It's no different from you hiding out in Benny's old place and seeking beers with Jason and Steve!" Myrtle raged back. She covered her mouth once she'd realized her voice had raised.

"What afraid dad will hear you? about who you really are?" Patrick snickered. "It's not who I am. I was there to see friends." Myrtle muttered. "Sure," Patrick scoffed, "they aren't here anyway... Pastor Alvin's in the hospital, got mauled or something." Patrick muttered before heading off into the kitchen.

Myrtle headed up the stairs, her mind buzzing with too many thoughts. "just feed Shelob and go to bed." she sighed.

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