Chapter 16 - Living in Fear of the Worst

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Well, at some point I had to go into the house. I chose not to ride Flaming Star since I wouldn't be able to enjoy it. I just walked slowly across the large fields of this property, hands in my pockets, and my heart going fast because I broke a really huge promise that I made to Elvis. I told him not to worry, that I wouldn't do anything to hurt him. My hands clenched into fists in my pockets, but in fear, and my heart ran with it as well.

I made a monstrous mistake. Eventually, I would have to pay for it. Kissing someone else's girlfriend was bad enough, but when it was the girlfriend of good friend of yours, who happened to be the King of Rock 'n' Roll who thought of you as a brother...

Yeah, I was in deep, deep doo-doo.

"I'm so dead..." I muttered to myself as I reached the back of the house, and I went on in. I stopped at the door. "She's probably in 'er room or somethin' right now, mortified, too."

I wouldn't blame her. In fact, I should do that—hide in my room, but until when? I would have to face her or Elvis eventually. It also didn't help that my room was a door down from hers.

She had feelings for me. It was a bit obvious now, and in the recent past, I just tried not to think about it. It was nice going out and taking a walk with her and talking and seeing her flee in fear from a spider, and... kiss her. It was probably one of the best feelings I had felt for a while, in the moment that is. Kissing a beautiful girl was always exciting, knowing that she felt the same way back.

Oh, shoot... now she knew how I felt about her, too. I kissed her back!

"Man..." I exasperated and headed to my room. Once I was in the hallway, I couldn't help but stop at Cilla's door. Maybe we should talk about this before we tell Elvis. But what would we say to each other? I like you and you like me, but it's wrong. It should never happen again.

"Patsy, what do you mean don't worry about it?! This is a big deal!"

Cilla's shout from inside the room came loud and clear, even through the door. Again, not being able to help it, I listened. I never knew I was such an eavesdropper.

"Elvis will find out and Austin will be kicked out," she continued. "You know how Elvis is. He tried to hide me away from everyone and doesn't want me to wear anything too flashy, mainly to get the male attention away from me." She paused. "That's really sweet, Patsy, but I'm scared, mainly for Austin. He and Elvis have been as thick as thieves, two peas in a pod. Once Elvis finds out that we kissed, he's going to be hurt, mainly since Austin promised that nothing would happen between us."

My heart jumped. Well, I shouldn't be surprised that Elvis told her that. She had a hint of my feelings for her already, if my blushing face every time she was around wasn't evidence enough.

"Patsy, really..." Cilla said and with a giggle. "Okay, fine, yes, I enjoyed it. Why wouldn't I? I've been going nuts over Austin since he arrived here. He was just... I don't know..."

I grinned. As well as me, she liked the kiss.

"Patsy, don't say that. I'm sure Austin was attracted to you, it's just... you're a married woman. If you weren't, something might've happened between the two of you."

Now they were talking about Patsy's feelings for me. Honestly, something could've happened if Patsy wasn't married—she was a beautiful woman like Cilla, and she was a nice person who had her heart in the right place. She also had a streak of fire, as well as confidence, which I found pretty attractive.

"Yeah... I don't know what to do," Cilla moaned. "He's probably still out in the fields right now. I was such a coward. I ran away when we should've talked about it. I don't know how I'll be able to face him." She paused. "You're right. He's probably thinking the same thing. It's going to be incredibly awkward between us now, and we were beginning to be such good friends." Another pause, and my heart dropped. Yeah, Cilla and I probably wouldn't be friends after this. "Patsy, I'm not going to not saying anything to Elvis. Plus, Austin may tell him, or Elvis would find out on his own with how Austin and I are acting around each other."

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