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Hellooo! Author Here! And this book is for fun and I hope u enjoy it, OH! I almost forgot! Here are some things your gonna need for later on 😏✌️

Let's start with the Basics!:
Y/N = Your Name
L/N = Last Name
M/N = Middle Name
N/N = Nick Name
F/C= Favorite Color
F/H= Favorite Hoodie
F/F= Favorite Food
F/D= Favorite Drink 😏

Some stuff you need to know:

Y/N L/N is not from this universe, She is from a universe where everyone has an ability/power. Some years after Y/N was born, a very strong Allie had turned against them and had erased their universe. But Y/N, her mother, and a few other people managed to flee from disaster. Y/N's mother didn't have to worry about Y/N's behavior since the people in their universe acted much like the people in this one. But the fear of being hunted and captured worried her, So she asked Y/N to work at a job to be less suspicious.

There are different kinds of supernaturals:

The wide power ones have different variations of powers without just one element.

The Elemental ones have powers that are based out of one Element such as Fire, Water, Etc. They can have different abilities of the same element.

The Single Elemental ones have Element based powers but they only get one ability but it can do different things.

That's basically what happened yeah (the Y/N in my head is kind of like Zaida from down to earth 😭)

Y/N's Abilities are:
Flight, Levitation, Invisibility, and Fog Generation. (She's a wide power)

(As time passes her abilities increase but only to a max of 10, Her already given abilities also get stronger by some and gain more access to what they can do.)

Sometimes when Y/N gets too excited she starts floating which is why she avoids things she thinks can get too excited or overwhelming.

Sometimes when Y/N is anxious or sad she goes invisible to hide herself or to cry.

Sometimes When Y/N is angry or frustrated other people or things surrounding her starts floating.

But over the years Y/N has learned and tried her best to control these emotions. 2 of Y/N's best friends were also on Earth and decided to work at the Mega Pizza Plex together.

Your besties:
Lucina is one year younger than you and her abilities: She can create these indestructible bubbles that she can control where they go, their size and etc. (A Single Elemental)
(In my head she looks like this:

 (A Single Elemental)(In my head she looks like this:

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(Art belongs to it's respectful owner)

Atlas is the same age as you (19)and his abilities are: He can hear far away, and he can mimic the voices of others. He can also create fireballs while being able to summon people from other universes. (He's a wide power aswell)
This is how I can describe his looks:
(Or what I think)
He has tan skin with brown hair and Green eyes and a heart ahoge 😫

You will meet another "friend"...

Alrightt that's about it folks I hope u enjoy this crappy story :D

Shine Bright Sunlight! Supernatural Female Y/N x Sundrop/MoondropWhere stories live. Discover now