Ch 03- NOT Getting Fired

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I lay in my bed feeling annoyed, I have to fill in for this lousy worker who kept slacking off in his nightshifts. 

Now I'll probably have to face Moon, I could defend myself sure but it's annoying. On the bright side, I'm not getting fired since Luci had disabled the security cams while I was facing Moon and If I do great on my nightshifts I'll get a raise and maybe a promotion.

I took a deep breath and sighed, I was so bored. The quietness of my home was getting uncomfortable.

 I slowly got up looking around for something to do. My phone was on the other side of the room for some reason, I floated it to where I was because I was too lazy to get up. I scrolled trying to find something to entertain me, But I got tired of that too.

My mom had been out trying to find a boyfriend and a job, She found a guy last week and is immediately head over heels for that guy. 'I wonder if she scared him away with her powers yet', I chuckle at my thoughts.

Thoughts about my future had raced through my mind all of a sudden, both negative and positive. But soon enough those thoughts were interrupted by a bang at the door.

 I sighed and was about to fly downstairs but I soon stopped myself, I didn't know who was at the door so It was best I don't. I rushed downstairs and opened the door revealing Atlas and Luci standing there like excited children. They were also blocking something or someone behind them, I raised an eyebrow signaling them to start talking.

 "Y/N MEET KAI! THE NEWEST ADDITION TO OUR GROUP!!" They both knelt down and put their arms up in a ridiculous pose like they were the Great Saiyaman or something...

Before I knew it I was blushing out of embarrassment, I forgot to fix my hair and change out of my pajamas. I face palmed and took a glance at the guy quickly examining his features. 

He had white pale skin and pink hair with curly bangs covering his forehead, he also had glistening silver eyes and angel wing earrings. There was no doubt about it, this guy was an angel. "You okay Y/N? You've been staring at Kai for a total of 5 minutes and 22 seconds (Changed bc that's a ridiculous amount of time)." Atlas perked up getting up from his kneeled position.

 Blushing out of embarrassment again I shook my head and turned around, "Tea anyone-?" I blurted out completely avoiding what had just occurred. From the corner of my eye, I saw Kai giving Luci a confused look and she shrugged. God can this get any more embarrassing for me.

I marched to the kitchen and set on a kettle of water and waited for it to boil. I heard video game sounds coming from the living room.

'Ain't no way these bitches are playing my game without permission.' I thought as I stomped into the living and stood behind the couch arms crossed.

 Atlas was playing mario kart with Luci while Kai was resting on a random cloud that was suddenly resting in my living room.

 Kai spotted me and tried not to giggle and give it away that I was there. Luci looked up and spotted me, "Not today Y/N!" She made a bubble big enough to fit her and Atlas and captured themselves in it. "Wha- HEY! LUCI I WAS IN 1ST PLACE!!" Atlas yelled. "We escaped you this time Y/N!" I shot them a smirk while levitating the bubble outside. "Wait what!" Luci's voice could be faintly heard as they floated up into the sky.

"Bye Guys! See ya one day!" I waved before walking back inside. She can just float themselves back down anyways.

-8:45 PM-
I was outside of the Pizza Plex quite prepared for my night shift, I took a deep breath and made my way inside.

I passed Luci's office where she was getting supplies and blueprints for fixing Monty's tail. I passed a few map bots and staff bots on the way, It wasn't too quiet but quiet enough to give me the creeps.

 I hate when it's oddly quiet in a big place because any form of noise can make your heart ascend out of your chest.

 The first place I needed to head to was Roxy Raceway to make sure everything was in order. Roxanne was already in her room, how do I know that? Loud complimenting that's how. I didn't need to do much so I just checked it off my little task list. The next place was...the daycare. I cringed a bit then sighed. (What's our sigh count guys? 😭) I slowly walked to the daycare looking around, I finally reached my destination and creaked open the big wooden doors, peaking through.

The lights were on which is good but they were probably gonna shut off in the next hour. I had to fill in 2 missing forms needed on Sun's behavior. This is going to be a long night...

Hope u enjoyed this crappy chapter I might add my friends in this more. (u know who u are 😍)

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