Ch 02- Just A Dream..?

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"Y/NN!" The sounds of my name being called frantically shot me awake faster than when I got caught sleeping in class.

"W-Wha Huh, where what?" I asked jolting up from my seat and looking around. 'Huh... It was just a dream' I thought while letting out a sigh of relief, I saw Luci and Sun next to me. "Care to explain what happened?" I said with a firm look on my face. 

They were silent for a while, they looked at each other and then back at me. Luci then took a huge deep breath and started yelling like a mad woman. 

"YOU FELL ASLEEP ON THE DESK AND SUN THOUGHT SOMETHING HAPPENED TO YOU BECAUSE YOU WEREN'T WAKING UP SO HE CALLED ME FOR HELP AND YEAH THAT'S IT!" . . . I just stared at her in utter silence "Are you okay Y/N..?" Sun mumbled quite loudly, I then burst out into a laughing fit given how serious this must've been.

 "1. I'm okay guys and 2. How did you say all of that without breathing!?" I said in between attempts of trying to catch my breath.

-35 minutes later-

"AAAndddd Done!" I said putting up the last box on the storage shelf. I wiped off non-existing sweat on my forehead and walked out in the open of the daycare to be greeted by Sun, "Good job Y/N! This place looks squeaky clean heheheh!" Sun congratulated me while jumping up and down.

 I smiled at him but it didn't last long, I had a quick flashback of my dream and my smile instantly faded into a slight frown. 'If the moon statue and posters are out there... that means what Luci said is true! What if my dream was a warning?!' Thoughts about 'Moondrop' raced through my head like a train.

  'Why didn't I take notice of this animatronic before? And why didn't Luci tell me sooner. What if he actually tries to get me!?' The thoughts just kept coming and his words just rang in my ear like a big loop.

 I finally got myself together and just tried to shrug it off, 'What if my dream was wrong? What if he's an absolute sweetheart? Plus I literally have powers I can defend myself.' I thought trying to reassure myself, I set my mind on other priorities to distract my mind from these negative thoughts.


I walked around the daycare for a little bit just to check if everything was cleaned and in their proper place, you know things out of the ordinary.

 I haven't had too much contact with Sun after the dream, there's no telling what this 'Moondrop' is capable of and if he was actually Sun's counterpart.

 I walked over to the security desk and sat down, Today was a long day and I'm hella tired. I closed my eyes for a moment and when I opened them the lights shut off, "Bad children must be punished~". That voice was too familiar to stay calm. I quickly spun out of my chair and ran to the light switch, I flicked it frantically but nothing happened. It must be a power outage...

"Y/N~", I could hear him but I didn't see him anywhere. I turned around as I felt a sudden weight on my body, I gasped before I landed on the ground with Moondrop on top of me, his red eyes were the only source of light other than the glowing stars. 

I tried to get up but his grip was pretty strong, in an instant sharp pain in my leg just sprung out of nowhere, I looked down pretty quickly to see claw marks. 'Is this a fucking wolf or an animatronic??' God can this situation get any worse. I can't use my abilities right now because obviously, he might report it to Sun3 and maybe even worse headquarters.

-The Duo's Head-

*Moony! She's obviously frightened and hurt

! Stop this!?*

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-Y/N's POV-
This whole situation was stressing me out and I don't know what will become of me after this, I'll either turn crazy, end up dead, or just isolate myself from everything. I was praying for the lights to just come back on but obviously, it's not going to work that way. 

My head was just filled with images of my death and Moondrop's laugh. I couldn't hold back what was coming. I tried my best to keep calm but it was life or death situation and I feel like I want to live. 

Everything around me started to become afloat including Moondrop. "WHAT THE!?" he yelled obviously shocked, I took this as my chance to flee the daycare but the floating wouldn't last long if I lost my focus. I tried to make it as far as I can but my leg started to hurt more than before.

 I looked behind me and The robot was out of sight. 'Oh god please save my ass' my mind repeated endlessly, I ran to one of the play structures to hide since I was closer to them and I was running out of energy.

 I panted but tried not to be too loud, I shifted my gaze around the daycare while my eyes still adjusted to the darkness, still no moon. I sighed and carefully brushed my hand against the marks, it stung for a moment. I departed my hand away as my fingertips were slightly covered in blood.

 "Hidey Hide~ Hide away~" it was Moon again. Can't take a hint I suppose. I looked up and he was legit...swimming in the air? I didn't have any words for what he was doing but I know I couldn't just stare at him forever.

He was hovering over the play structure so I dashed out of there.

I was running to the exit pretty quickly even though my leg was screaming in pain. 'I can make it' I encouraged myself before feeling cold arms get a tight grip around my waist. I could hear Moon's chuckle in my ear as I was being lifted off the ground.

I shut my eyes tightly as I struggled to get out of his grip. I realized there was no way out so I needed to strategize, I took a deep breath and thought of a plan, hopefully, it works. 

"You know, your not very nice Mr.Moondrop," I smirk at him, I was biting on my lower lip hoping for the response I was waiting for. "Hm?" he said, some kind of annoyed tone could be heard in his voice, the exact response I wanted. 

"You being able to "fly" is cheating." I grinned, There was no answer. "But I too can play that game!" I lashed out with confidence, but before he could reply I flew and broke out of his grip. 

His eyes widened and he was utterly speechless. The lights became lit up again as my eyes sting by the sudden change of lighting. 

I looked back to see Sun slowly dropping back on his feet, he was in utter shock. Then it hit me once more (gosh things won't stop hitting me), Sun saw everything! I slowly raised my hand to my mouth, eyes wide. 

I float back down to ground level, but as soon as I landed my knees had given up on me causing me to fall to the ground. 

"WOOOO THAT WAS AMAZING Y/N!!" The voice of Luci can be heard getting closer with followed clapping. I turned around to see the two walking from behind a play structure.

 "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? YOU GUYS WERE THERE THE WHOLE TIME?!" Anger sparked in me for a while, they could've helped and maybe I wouldn't have had this huge ass scar on my leg.

"Yep!" She chirps and walks over while leaning on Sundrop and powering him off. "Don't worry I can erase this from his memory somehow!" I sighed, calming down at the thought that my robot friend won't remember the horrors of today. I wasn't as mad as before but it still bugs me that this could've gone down a lot easier.

"Hey, Guys look at this!" Atlas chirped waving around his finger. {Teleporting... Forestisafag }
Forestisafag : Where the hell am I-"
"Hold on! I don't consent to this!" I yelled, I couldn't allow this to be even more crazier than it is. "Too Late!" Atlas chuckled. Oh god, I hate today...

Shine Bright Sunlight! Supernatural Female Y/N x Sundrop/MoondropWhere stories live. Discover now