Ch 04- Reasoning?

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I scanned the area, not sure what I was expecting but I expected something. I took a few more steps forward and held my breath. I could hear the faint sounds of bells ringing from a distantance. Thankfully it was Sun, he heard my footsteps and came towards me.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?"

"Oh I have to fill in for a worker, doing their nightshifts and-"

"YAYYYY!!! DOES THAT MEAN WE CAN HAVE MORE FUN TOGETHER?" He screamed while cutting me off. "I guess so!". He pulled me close and spun me around letting out cheerful noises while bouncing about the place. "Y/N can spend the night!~ Y/N can spend the night!~" He started chanting around the room. I couldn't help but let out a smile.

He suddenly stopped and stood still, "Sun? You okay?" I raised an eyebrow. He turned around with the most worried expression on his face. "DOES THAT MEAN YOU CAN'T GET ENOUGH SLEEP!? OMG, WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU PASS OUT AND-... AND IF YOU GO TO THE HOSPITAL!"

His rays retracted slightly getting shorter as he continued his rant about the possibilities of what could happen if I didn't get enough rest. 

"Woah Sunny, Calm your rays! I only have to do this for a few days then I'll be back on my normal schedule." I tried reassuring him as I got a few fans to cool him off as he started overheating a little. (Don't ask where the fans came from)

(Sometime later)

I sat at a little table with Sun, we were talking about the kids and future activities for them and such. "Maybe we could do a finger-painting contest!" Sun suggested, "Yeah sure!" We laughed for a moment.

 "Hey Y/N?" Sun suddenly had a serious tone of voice and started sitting straight up in his chair towering over me. I grew a little tense and tried to straighten up a bit as well.

"Uhm Yes, Sunny?" I asked still nervous about his sudden change of tone. "What happened after you uh...turned off the lights??" He mumbled the last part but loud enough so I can hear him. I froze and started sweating, 'Omfg Luci you didn't erase that part.' I thought while I panicked.

"Well kinda blacked out and you...Shut down..on...power! Yeah! You were out of power!" I stumbled out an excuse praying it would work, "Hmm That's weird, I remember being charged?" Sun stared at the ceiling while being deep in thought.

I was praying for someone or something to come and save me. Just then there was screaming coming from the entrance slide for a moment, then a crash into the ball pit.

Sun quickly snapped out of thought and I rushed over to the ball pit to see 3 security guards piled on one another all wearing pajamas instead of their uniforms. "Owww... I knew we should've come in through the door!" Forestisafag whined loudly. They glanced up at Sun and quickly got up brushing themselves off. "Forestisafag ? Shadow_Stardom ? inketstar ? What are you guys doing here? And why aren't you in uniforms?".

I had one hand on my hip and raised my eyebrow. "We just uhh-" "WANTED TO CHECK IN!" Star interrupted, They all mustered a smile and blinked waiting for a response completely ignoring my second question. "Well thank you! We're doing fine!" I said trying to hide my relief. "Well, I wouldn't want to distract you guys from your work sooo! Cya!" I quickly pushed them out and closed the doors.

3rd Person (Behind the Daycare Doors)
Stardom: "Man.."
Forest: "I knew we should've taken the door! We need another way in!!"
Ink: "Maybe next time we do it my way." Ink folded her arms and pointed to themself. The others nodded and started to walk towards the west arcade...until Ink accidentally bumped into a Mapbot. "Hi, Please take this map."

"We don't need a Map Thanks!" Forest replied trying to get through.

"Take this Map." The Mapbot practically shoved the map in their faces waving it around like a prize.

"They said we didn't need one." Stardom said firmly crossing her arms.

"Please.Take.This.Map." Mapbot twitched and tilted its head.

"EEEK! Just take the Map!!" Ink yelled startled at the change of tone. Forest took the map and ran off with Ink and Stardom following. They were running which slowly turned into walking while looking behind them to watch the Bot closely. The Bot then did a 360 with his head and turned his whole body around.

"AH! RUN!!" Forest yelled pulling Stardom who was pulling Ink. They then ran into a security bot which didn't recognize they were security guards because they had no uniforms. Sirens blared loudly and security protocols were being set into place.
"Well, shi-"

(Y/N's POV)
I was doing some work on the computer while Sun tried to find something to do other than cleaning. I was focused on my work but my mind kept shifting back to Moon,

'Why does he act like that when all the other animatronics don't?'. I thought, I tried losing the thought but it just got deeper. I thought a bit more.

'Is this a programming bug? Possibly a virus?'. I bit my lower lip while frantically clicking on my computer keys, resisting the urge to chew my nails.

'But if that was the case why didn't parts and services check him out?' I got a bit angry at that thought, 'Did they not care about the kids?'

I clenched my fists and stared at the computer screen. 'They were probably scared of Moon as well, You never know Y/N.' My head told me.

I sighed and just focused on my work. I decided to read a few complaints about the daycare to get my mind off things.

"Kid with Kakashi T-Shirt started backflipping on my child and proceeded to turn super saiyan"
I cringed and started giggling, I couldn't tell whether that was a joke or not.

"My kid came home and started twerking on the walls, I asked her where she learned this and she said she had learned it from the Daycare."
I blinked a couple of times and smiled,
Guess I know what I'll be doing for the rest of the night...


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