Chapter 2.0: Boys' Life of Despair

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We made our way back to the dining hall. As we entered we found we were the first ones there and found a place towards the back for us to sit. Everyone seemed to pile in and some had stopped at their rooms before making their way here. Toko seemed to be staring me down the whole time with a disgusted look on her face. What was her problem? I didn't do jack to her. Regardless, once more this seemed to bring a smirk to Byakuya's face. Why did he seem to enjoy her suffering so much? GASP what if he's secretly a sadist and has a crush on this Toko so he gets a kick out of degrading her?! Well, it wouldn't be very secret considering I'm sure everyone could tell if they really looked. But if he was a sadist where would he be on the sadist scale? I don't think he's full Karma Akabane that's for sure, but I also don't think he really fits Tazuki-level sadist. Maybe he's a solid middle ground, but I suppose that's where most of his family would fall considering his obsession with the Togami name or whatever. 

"Sorry, I'm late..." Makoto says as he finally makes his entrance. 

"Finally," I whisper as I roll my eyes. Byakuya caught on and provided a light chuckle of agreement. 

"Hey... are you okay, Makoto?" Swimmer girl asks. 

"You sure took your sweet time! I was just about to go get you and drag you back here!" Class clown adds. This may be the one time I actually agree with him.

Everyone kept talking to Makoto trying to make him feel better so I just tuned them out. I just wanted to watch some anime. The only thing that tuned me back in was Byakuya's sudden interjection.

"If we all work together, I'm sure we'll find a way out of here! So everyone just... try and cheer up and get back on track! " Swimmer girl cheers.

"Is that honestly supposed to make us feel better?" Byakuya asks causing swimmer girl to gasp in confusion.

"We were already 'working together' and yet someone was still murdered. Anyone could betray us at this point. Now that it's happened once, it's a question of when, not if, the next one takes place," Byakuya explains. 

"Damn that's pretty pessimistic man, however, you are correct so carry on," I add for no reason in particular other than to fulfill my friendship duty. 

"Yeah, because S-Sayaka made the first move..." Toko added.

"B-but... if we work together against the mastermind, nobody'll have any reason to do something like that!" Swimmer girl counters.

"Keep telling yourself that. I'll be over here in the real world. It's almost baffling how someone who surrounds themself in fiction is more in touch with reality than you," Byakuya insults.

"I somehow feel like that was a targeted attack," I complain. 

"Working together, fighting a common enemy... Like it or not, it's not that simple," Byakuya continues with me once more being ignored. Such is the hard life I live as the only friend of Byakuya. 

"...What do you mean?" Fanfiction boy asks, with Celeste going on to answer their question. 

"So then... what are we supposed to do?" Sakura asks.

"Anyone who truly does want to escape... will just have to follow the rules. In which case, the only option is to deceive those around you and win the game," Byakuya answers.

"N-No," Chihiro said.

"No what?" Byakuya asks seeming to get a little riled up. I'd touch him to calm him down, but something tells me that that would only make him madder. 

"I don't want to live... if it means killing someone else to do it. I don't wanna kill anyone else..!" Chihiro explains. 

Everyone else continues to talk about that until the nighttime alarm goes off. 

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