Chapter 2.50: Boys Life of Despair (Investigation)

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"What..?" Makoto said followed by a bloodcurdling scream.

"Most unusual, don't you think..? Look Chihiro's corpse has been suspended somehow. And something's been written on the wall, in blood... 'Bloodlust'? Such a brutal way to kill someone... No, this is beyond brutal. Wouldn't you agree?" Byakuya commented.

"Yeah truly unfortunate," I agreed.

"They killed her. How could it not be brutal?" Makoto asked.

"No, that's not my point. This murder is far too bizarre for any everyday amateur to have committed it. Unlike with Sayaka, this murder was not a crime of passion or necessity. It's almost as if whoever did this... did it for fun. You see what I mean, don't you?" Byakuya asked.

"...What?" Makoto said stunned.

"Yeah to kill like this you must have some confidence. Any random high schooler wouldn't be able to even think of this type of way to kill. It had to be someone with experience," I add. Before Makoto could even respond the class clown had decided to burst in.

"Hey, I heard screaming! Did something-?" A scream followed, finding the answer almost as quickly as he asked it. "Chihiro!?" 

The school bell then rang signalling the newfound death to everyone else. I wonder just how many people it takes for the announcement to go off. If it had gone off when Byakuya and I had tampered with everything we would have been screwed. I guess he was willing to take that chance. Wait a second... Was that why he really called me? I bet he could have totally done it on his own and only brought me along so if the bell went off he could pin it on me! Maybe I really SHOULD have the ultimate lucky student title. I guess I did sign up for this. Maybe I should have Byakuya watch something truly terrible next. Well, maybe not terrible. Something good with a hint of terrible should work. 

"Apparently, when three or more people discover a body, an announcement plays to let everyone know," Byakuya explained to Makoto. Hey, this means he did know it wouldn't go off when he got me! At least now I know he wasn't planning on pinning the murder on me if the alarm happened to go off. I'll just switch out terrible for amazing then, but will also make him feel terrible. 

"I imagine it's so that the search for the culprit can proceed fairly for everyone involved," he continued. 

"The body discovery announcment!? Then Chihiro really is..." 

"Dead, yes," Byakuya answered for the class clown.

"The culprit made it pretty obvious," I added. That didn't seem to calm said clown down though as he started stuttering in his loss for words. I mean I get it's gruesome but this is our 4th murder so far, how can he still be so shocked? With a sigh of dissapointment Byakuya cut him off once more.

"Before you start screaming your head off, go round everyone up. It seems another game has begun. Another life-or-death game to uncover a killer..." 

With that, the uptight man was sent running causing Byakuya to slightly grin. For a victim of this game, he sure does like to act like the villain. He almost reminds me of a toned-down Monoma from MHA. I doubt he'd like me making that comparison though, so I'll just keep it to myself for now. Byakuya then began in my direction. 

"I put the file back in library. Stay out of there, and you don't know the files are in there, got it?" He whispered. I gave a simple nod in understanding. Byakuya nodded back as he continued to walk past me closer towards the body. 

Everyone soon filed in and expressed their horror at the situation. Even Mondo, my current suspect, seemed shocked. Although that could just be becuase of how much Byakuya and I disturbed the scene. As Makoto began to observe the word 'Bloodlust' written on the wall, Mogami began to speak.

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