Chapter 1.25: To Survive(Byakuya's perspective)

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Part 2(Chapter 1.0 Perspective)

I was just minding my own business when the nuisance began to bother me again. 

"Yo, my dude, what's up?" They ask. How causal. We're not friends. I'm far superior.

"I am not your 'dude', and don't talk to me peasant," I said fully knowing that they weren't going to go away but still hoping for a miracle. 

"Yeah, whatever you say, you still didn't answer my question though." They respond. Please, you're not so entitled that you deserve my response.

"I don't have to." 

"Oh but you do. Or can you simply not comprehend what I'm asking? Wow, to think the big bad Byakuya Togami can't even answer a simple question, Makes you wonder about the rest of the Togami cooperation in general." They insult. How dare they talk about the Togami group like that. Somehow they always know just how to get under my skin. I hate that I let a peasant get to me this much, but for some reason, I can't help but play along.

"Shut up. For your information, I simply despise your presence. And to answer your question, all we did was go over the rules and Naegi was punched. Satisfied?" I answer trying to get them to leave. 

"Yeah pretty much. Mind if I hang with you though while I explore." Why on Earth would I agree to that. It most likely won't matter regardless, because they make a point of annoying me to no end, but it's worth trying. 

"Yes, I do mind." 

"Fine, be that way. Eventually, you'll admit to enjoying my presence. We are friends after all, and if I've learned anything from Naruto, it's that no matter how much they're a dick towards you, you don't give up on them." 

"How cheesy."

"I know right? But it's really good. I'll have to make you watch it one of these days." Not interested.

"I refuse. Not going to happen. What makes you think I would watch anything with the likes of you?" 

"Your right. I'm too far above you that it must be surprising to you. Don't be confused, I don't care that I am in a much higher class than you, and it's not like we have much else t do. See you around." 

"If I never see you again it'll be too soon." 

"Yeah, that's what they all say." They say as they wave at me and start to leave. Wait. They're actually leaving. They're actually leaving. That was surprisingly easier than before. I honestly wasn't expecting them to be this cooperative. It was kind of boring, but a shock at the same time. Maybe I don't completely despise their very being. 

I was woken up by the morning announcement and was rudely greeted with rapid knocks at my door. Who thinks they're so important they can just come to my room and do this. 

Long story short there are morning meetings now. It seems logical, but any number of people could be planning my untimely demise. I continue to get ready and leave my room. I make it to the cafeteria and listen to everything being said. I notice the lack of annoyance this morning leading me to only one conclusion. y/n is not here. No one seems to notice but that makes sense I suppose considering she's always busy annoying me. Monokuma suddenly appears and mentions CDs in the Av room of the outside. as everyone makes their way there, I decided to check on y/n. Who knows maybe the killing has already started and she's already dead. I knock on her door only to be greeted with a very messy, sleepy, dirty, angry version of y/n.

"What is it this time?!" She yell's yet looking slightly surprised when she notices it's me on the other side of the door. 

"Who do you think you are to be able to talk to me like that? And in such an undesirable attire. I'm simply getting you because Monokuma told everyone about a video containing information on the outside, and I just happened to notice that you were absent. I thought it would be wise to check if you had been killed. A plebian like you would surely be an easy target." I retort angered by the tone she used. She has no right to speak to someone as important as me like that. I wait for her to answer but she just stands there. 

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