the complete loss or absence of hope.

"Zak Green!"

Yup, so that happened.
I guess before I continue I should probably introduce myself. I'm Zak, the person who just got his name drawn.
The girls names already got drawn from, so you can only imagine how big of a weight got lifted from my shoulders when my sister, Juniper's name wasn't called.
This is her second year being eligible for the Hunger Games. Last year I had a literal heart attack when someone who had the same name as her got called.

She's kind of all I have left at this point. Except for my mom who's really sick. She is sick with a disease she was born with, so all I could do is just sit there and watch her struggle. Hope for the best she doesn't just die that second.
I have no idea what my sister's going to do without me though. She's only thirteen, me being five years older.

Juniper has always been pretty independent, knowing her way around a bow, so she can get food easily. We do live in district twelve after all. The lowest class of all the districts. Except for district thirteen, but no one knows what has happened to them. One day they were there, and the next they had vanished. Leaving district twelve to be at the bottom of the social and wealth pyramid.

Now back to me being on stage and all. I look out to the crowd full of my district. They all looked at me with disappointment. I don't have the most muscular build, I'm pretty skinny for not eating that well, and I'm not the tallest. Only being five foot seven.
Being the male of the district twelve team, everyone excepts me to be the one carrying the team, to be the toughest, but in this situation I don't think that's the case. I don't know my partner, Minx Andreas, personally, but I do know she's tough as fuck. She'll definitely have an advantage. Her family sells weapons in the trading centre. Hand made ones, so I can only imagine she's very skilled with all kinds of weapons.

We both stood there on opposite sides of the stage while the mayor, Jshlatt did the traditional stuff such as reciting the history of Panem, blah blah, stuff like that. I give a quick glance to my left towards Minx to see her completely calm. Looking fairly bored actually.
I then look towards the audience, trying to spot my sister. No dice.

I didn't even get to say goodbye-

I start to have a silent panic attack, not wanting everyone to make me out as a weak, and easy target. Knowing this whole thing is being broadcasted and recorded for the heads of district one to enjoy. Watching the fear in these children's faces when they realize there's a really high chance that they'll never get to see their families again. Just the thought makes me sick to my stomach. I already know without a doubt that I'll be the first one out.
I already know this is going to be hell. I may as well kill myself now, get it over with.

"And with that said, we wish both of the tributes luck in the 3069 Hunger Games!" Jshlatt raps up his really longer and agonizing speech. I swear it just gets longer every year.
No one applauded him, staying completely silent. My ears started ringing from the silence, as well as my anxiety.

I don't blame everyone for not clapping though. This Hunger Games thing is a load of bullshit.
Getting literal children to fight to the death for food that should already be provided is just fucking ridiculous. I guess it doesn't really help the situation if I just complain about it to myself in my head.

The Peacekeepers walk up to us walk up from behind us, giving one aggressive push to non verbally tell us to start walking. Me and Minx walk side by side with a Peacekeeper behind each of us to make sure we do as we're told. I anxiously look around at all of the eyes staring back at me. Some of them had a look of sullen, but most had a look of relief that they aren't in my shoes.
I can't even imagine how terrified I looked to everyone else. My forehead heated up as if I had an extreme fever. It wasn't even that hot outside, but I was still sweating bullets.
A slight breeze makes my hair sway into my face, and stick to my forehead. I could feel my knees getting weak the closer we got to a solid black car with extremely tinted windows.

I sit nervously on the soft bed of the room I was brought to. It was fairly big, having a huge queen sized bed with red velvet sheets and matching velvet drapes. It's honestly the nicest room I have ever been in. I run my fingers through the sheets, trying not to break down crying. I tried my best to focus on the feeling of the soft velvet brushing in between my fingers. I didn't want to believe this whole situation was real. I let my mind slowly drift towards a daydream, so I wouldn't just breakdown that second.

I was soon startled out of my thoughts by the door to the room opening, revealing a Peacekeeper holding Juniper forcefully by the arm.
"You have two minutes."
The Peacekeep informed us after he pushed my sister through the door and closing it shut behind him.
"Zak!" She exclaims excitedly, running up to me to tackle me in the biggest, tightest hug.

"Please be careful, I can't loose you!" She pleads, keeping her tight grip around my torso.
"Mom is so sick! She can barely walk. She really wanted to come see you after she heard you were picked but she couldn't even get up out of bed." Olivia explains, tucking her shoulder length raven black hair behind her ear so it was out of her face.

"Tell her I love her, and I love you too. I'll come back home, I promise."
Shit, why did I promise that. I'm literally going to die- on top of that also breaking a promise with my little sister. What have I gotten myself into-

She gives me a big smile before replying.
"I love you too!"
"I have a very slim chance, but I'll try. For you and mom."
I say, caressing her cheek with my hand gently.
"Take care of her for me, yeah?"
I smile to try and mask my guilt, but my quivering lip kinda just gave it away.
"I promise. Just remember what I taught you. Go beat those arrogant top distract kids!"
She giggles, trying to lighten the mood. A shaky laugh quickly escapes my lips as I wipe away the tears that were about to drip down my cheeks.

Our last moments together were rudely interrupted by the same Peacekeeper opening the door.
"Times up."
He states, his voice deep due to the helmet.
"No, please! Just a bit longer!"
Juniper pleads.
"Sorry kid."
The Peacekeeper apologizes cold heartedly before grabbing my sister by the wrist and dragging her out.

"Remember, keep the line tight and aim up from your target just ever so slightly! Good luck! I love you!"
She yells as she had a hard time resisting the pulling of the Peacekeeper who was roughly twice her size. 
It crushed me even more when I realized those were the last words I will ever hear from her.
The large dark oak doors slammed shut behind them. That was it for me, I couldn't hold back my tears anymore. I burry my face into my hands, letting my tears fall in a thick, unbreakable stream.

Love in Despair ~a Skephalo fanfic~ ✔️Where stories live. Discover now