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Big brown dough eyes stared back at me as I stood in front of the bathroom mirror.
I don't look that bad.
I decided to wear a regular light blue hoodie with grey sweat pants. It wasn't much, but it was way more comfortable than all of my other clothes back at home.

A knock on the door scares me out of my thoughts. I open it to see Sam on the other side greeting me with a big smile.
"Dinners ready!"
He notifies me. I nod in response, not having enough energy to actually speak. I was absolutely exhausted from all of those panic attacks and breakdowns. After I got changed I had come to terms with myself that I should try my best to stay strong. Crying about it wouldn't change anything.

I follow him out to the dinning room.
There was a crystal chandelier that hung above the long dark oak table. The chairs were lined with the same looking red velvet as the bed sheets in the room off the train.
The thing that really caught my attention was the food that covered every inch of the table. Various foods from all around the world could be spotted on that table. I didn't want to come out as too eager to eat, but I was excited. That was the most food that I have seen in my entire life combined.

My stomach growled as I took the empty seat beside Minx, across from Eret and Sam. I didn't take food right away as to not come off as rude.
"Help yourselves." The second Eret finished her sentence I reached for as much food as I could. Filling my plate in seconds.
The room was peacefully quiet as everyone ate. Throughout the entire diner I only glanced at Minx once, and she was still expressionless. I would ask her about it, but she didn't seem like the one to have deep conversations.

"After dinner we are going to watch the reaping footage."
Eret informs us, placing his hands neatly together in front of him on the table. I lift my head gently to look in Eret's direction, not stopping the flow of food entering my mouth.
"Like all the other districts?"
Minx asks, that being the first time she spoke.
I was the only one that looked surprised at her speaking up.
Eret answers formally. I feel my stomach churn as I set down my fork. My districts reaping is already as emotional as is. I can't even imagine sitting through eleven others.

Dinner came and went faster then I would have liked. I ate so much I felt like throwing up, this being the most food I have ever consumed in my time of living.
We were led by Eret and Sam to a living room with a big flatscreen TV and two very cushiony couches, that were once again, red velvet. I was starting to see a big theme here.

"I have a bad feeling about this."
I state, really nervous to see all of these families being broken apart.
"It'll be ok, we have to watch it over to see who you're competition will be." Sam reassured me, grabbing the remote and turning it on.
It goes from the highest district to the lowest, so ours will be playing last.

It started with district one. The girls names were drawn from first. Going with the whole "ladies first" saying.
"Niki Nihachu"
The mayor on the TV calls out through the mic. 
A short pink haired girl stepped up. She looked a bit younger then me, at least seventeen. She looked nervous, but made sure to stand tall and confident.
Next the boys names were drawn from.
A tall brunette with glasses stepped up. It was scary how un-phased he looked. I'm guessing he has been training for this his entire life, since district one is known for training their children at a young age.

We kept watching, it was pretty normal. Sad, but that is expected at this point. The part that absolutely broke me though was district ten.
It started normally with the girls.
"Hannah rose"
The mayor called out.
An average height girl with below shoulder length curly brunette hair steps up. She looked scared, but once again that's the worst you could do. Make yourself an easy target by showing fear.

Then it was the boys turn.
"Toby Fala"
The mayor calls out.
At that second, right when the name was called screaming could be heard through the TV.
As the small brunet boy was being technically dragged to the stage there was a tall blond boy cussing them out, trying his best to fight back.
"You sons of bitches! You can't do that to him! No, no!"

I felt tears threatening to fall as I heard more of the bloodcurdling screams coming from the blond.
Right when the brunet finally got onto stage that's when the blond took action. The brunet only looked my sisters age. Maybe a year older, when the blond looked about sixteen.
"No! Please! I-"
He stops to think as the peacekeepers continue to drag him away.

"Wait! I- I volunteer!"
He yells. That peeks everyone's interest. Especially the mayor's.
"Go on..."
He says to the blond through the mic. The smirk on the mayor's face made my blood boil. Was he really enjoying this?!
"I- I volunteer as tribute."
He states firmly. The mayor signals to the Peacekeepers to let him go.
"No, Tommy! It's ok!"
The brunet yells to him, worry and guilt plastered all over his face.

"No, Tubbo! I'm not letting you go!"
He yells as he starts to walk towards the stage. As confident as the blond looked, I could see him shaking ever so slightly as he climbed the stairs to meet with the brunet on the stage.
"Just look out for everyone for me ok?" He says to the brunet finally getting on stage.
"And tell Techno he's a pussy."
The blond finishes jokingly, trying to make his last moments with the blond as uplifting as possible. They finish their interaction with a hug as the Peacekeepers drag the furious brunet away.

I stay completely still as I feel a tear prick my eye.
"Can I be excused?"
I ask in a shaky voice, standing up off of the couch. That stupid recording was too much for me.
"Yes you may."
Eret tells me, not looking away from the TV.
Right as I got an answer I bolted to my room. Shutting the door to just cry. That whole interaction made me think about my sister, and what I would do in that situation. As I realized how many tears were actually falling from my eyes I got frustrated with myself, remembering the deal I made with myself to stay as strong as possible.

Love in Despair ~a Skephalo fanfic~ ✔️Where stories live. Discover now