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I woke up to find Park smoking away in the balcony.


"Hey, how you feeling?"

"Like a car crashed me."

Park snorted hearing that.

"Looks like you seem better. I get going then.."

I immediately frowned when I heard that. He always hung around till I got fully well. How come he was leaving so soon now? He walked past me and I held onto his wrist.

"I think I still have a fever. Could you check? Not sure if I should be left alone.."

Park felt me and smiled instantly then tried to rearrange his facial expression.

"Yea looks like your fever is still there. Let me get you medicine. Looks like I can't go till you are all better."

He turned away to go get my medicine whilst a stupid grin overtook me. I nearly smacked myself over how silly I was being.

Park got me dinner, as usual too many choices and got Max to come pick up the extras along with bringing him a set of clothes. When Max arrived, Park was in the toilet.

I opened the door to pass him the food and get the clothes.

"You seem fine to me already. Why is this fellow still here then?"


"Come on Forth, stop pretending. You look completely fine. I know when you are ill. You can't even get out of bed and am a complete man baby. But you were gaming when I arrived. You are telling me you are still sick?"

I shushed Max lest Park heard him.

"Go away Max. I'm still sick. Here take your dinner. Bye bye, see you tomorrow."

I pushed Max out and closed the door before Park came out. But once I closed the door, my face couldn't help but redden. Max wasn't too far off from the truth. I was actually fine but I realized that this time, I was actually enjoying Park fawning over me. Has this always been the case and I only realized it now?

I heard the toilet door opening and Park came out in a towel, having freshly showered.

"Hey is that my clothes? Can I have it?"

"Hey yea, sure here you go." I walked over to pass it to him. However my gear bracelet accidentally got stuck in the fabric of the towel and when I tugged, I pulled the towel off! Park and I stared at each other in total shock, stunned by the consequence! I quickly turned away whilst Park just went straight back into the toilet.

SHIT SHIT SHIT. What the fuck. I face palmed myself over my stupidity. I turned around and the damned towel was still on the floor. I bent down to pick it up and at the same time, Park stepped out in a pair of sweats. I looked up to see a red faced Park.

"Park.. sorry, didn't mean to.."

"It's ok Forth.. I know it was an accident..  I..  here give it to me. I go put it away."

He grabbed the towel and went to put it away. I just groaned in exasperation and embarrassment. I went to sit down to game but found myself unable to concentrate.

My stupid mind kept flitting back to Park and how his body had glistened, fresh out of the shower.

I was royally fucked.

From Me To You: Opposites? (FORTHXPARK) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now