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I was being a complete idiot. I continued smoking, thankful that Park did not pursue things further and let me be by myself. I was thankful for this as it gave me time to scold myself like 10000 times over the stupidity I just portrayed.

About 20 minutes later, I heard some noises. I looked up and realized Lam and the rest of the Engineering gang were here. I smiled, finished off my cigarette and went back into the room. Park was calmly playing a Fifa game and had solicited Max into it. Lam and I chatted away at the dining table whilst Ming and Tul were busy arguing about something at the balcony.

It was a lively atmosphere that took a turn by idiotic Max who decided to bring drinking into the picture. The first person to vehemently object was Park.

"No way. No drinking tonight. Even if there is, he can't take part. He is sick."  Pointing to me.

I groaned inwardly. I was completely fine but how do I tell that?! Max stared at me with an open mouth.

"You gotta be kidding me. He was smoking when I came! How can he not drink?!?!?"

"Too bad. I say so. He is still unwell, a fever so that's it. You guys can stay. Game. Talk. Even drink but he can't do the drinking part only."

Everyone just kept quiet for a bit. There was pin drop silence. But oddly nobody looked pissed. With the exception of Park who was looking deadly serious and myself who was just trying not to blush (again I know!), everyone else was trying to fight a smile but it made them just look constipated. Finally Max said, "ok your boyfriend doesn't have to drink. Can you drink? On his behalf?"

Park nodded, not realising the meaning of Max's words. That's when I fled for the kitchen, unable to fight the blush that came on and consumed me. I heard a small voice behind me,

"You ok Forth? Why? Unwell? Feel like vomiting?"

I turned around to see Park. I shook my head no, refusing to speak in case my voice gave me away. I just grabbed a glass and filled it with juice. Park smiled and then he started walking back towards the hall. I just leaned against the shelf and let out a breath. Please help me already!

"I think he doesn't realize it. But when are you going to tell him?"

I turned to see Max standing with a smirk on his face. I glared at Max and he chuckled further.

"Fine, if you don't want to tell him. You will eat your words."

He threw me a final smirk before going back. Whatever was this devil upto?! The boys gamed wildly before deciding to wind down with Truth or Dare, clothes forfeit style. Oh fuck. I glared at Max who just smiled cheekily at me. Everyone quickly put on everything they could find, even socks and mittens and all. The game went on, with a couple of dares and truths.

Around an hour into the game, it fell on Park courtesy of Lam. Lam just looked at Park and asked him, "So is there anyone you like? More than a friend?"

Park looked at him for so long before choosing to take off his shirt, refusing to answer. Everyone booed but he refused to budge. A few turns later, it came to him again but courtesy of me.

"Park, a repeated question but is there someone you like?"

Park looked at me for so long again, I was half sure he would shed his sweats but instead he just held my eye and shook his head, a yes. Everyone was stunned, me being no exception. He proceeded to spin and it landed on Max. He made Max do a dare and the mayhem broke up the earlier still atmosphere.

A few rounds later; around 2am, the boys left. We had no classes on Tuesday so we all could afford to sleep in. Park got dressed too and after everyone had left, he took his bag.

"I guess I better get going. You rest well."

"Stay Park." I uttered softly, holding onto his hand. He looked at my hand gripping his wrist. He nodded his head after a while. I took his bag off him and placed it on the floor. I took his shirt off him as I knew he always slept without one on. I watched his face as it reddened from our proximity.

I tried to keep my own expression natural but God knows. I looked at him dead in the eye as I took my own shirt off. We were tottering on very thin ice. I just knew that, if either one of us took the lead, it would escalate. It was just an issue of who.

Just as I reached out to caress his face, the bloody fucking phone rang. I got pissed. I answered it, "What?!"

"Sorry, I left my wallet behind. Could I come take it?" I heard Max utter.

"Where are you?!"

"Downstairs." I could hear Max gulp silently on the phone.

Before I could reply, Park snatched the phone.

"Wait downstairs. I'm throwing the wallet down. Catch it. And buzz off."

I watched as Park took the wallet, threw it down to Max and flipped his middle finger at him. I laughed out loudly! I stood by the entrance of the balcony, watching Park flip him off. I couldn't stand it, it was hilarious!!

I laughed again but eventually it died down as Park continued standing there. He was gripping the handle tightly. I knew what was running through his mind. I could tell.


He turned, not quite facing me.

"Come here. Come here before I come over."

He turned, fully facing me, eyes downcast. I walked over to him and kissed him.

There you go, whatever I have been dying to do since he subtly confessed earlier.

From Me To You: Opposites? (FORTHXPARK) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now