1 | Cunning, Consul!

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Custard had called Clotted into his office after receiving an anonymous request.

"Yes, come in."

Clotted walked in and Financier followed behind.

Clotted then spoke to Financier, "Financier, please, excuse us."

Financier Cookie nodded and left the room.

Clotted backed up to close the door as Custard led him to a chair.

"Clotted, we need to talk."

"Yes, I see. But I can't see the reason why you must wait so long to inform me?"

"I will explain later... Do you perhaps remember your mother?"

Clotted Cream paused. "Yes I do."

"She has told me to give you this, I have not opened it."

Custard handed him a card covered with a light radiance, indicating it was sent here through Light Magic.

"I- Thank you. I will be taking this."

Clotted Cream sat up and walked towards the door before Custard had stopped him.

"I have not excused you."

Clotted turned around,

"I apologize."

Clotted Cream sat down as Custard began to speak.

"Please take this into consideration, we are on the brink of war. Do not heed her call. The Republic needs you."

Clotted gazed his eyes,

"I will see for myself. Thank you for the comment."

Clotted sat up once more and went to the door.

"Can't you just be patient? You're so inconsiderate! Haven't you learnt manners?"

Clotted turned once more before stating,

"I have duties to fulfill, so please, excuse me."

Clotted walked out as Financier backed from the door, Financier had closed it behind him and Clotted walked towards the exit, she followed behind.

Light Cream Cookie sat on a desk, writing tons of letters, there were at least five stacks next to her of just letters. She suddenly stopped, beginning to fan her letter and closing it up. She added it to the last pile before dumping them all into a backpack. She zipped up the backpack and went outside. She realized the sun had begun setting, she then ran towards an alleyway. She set down the backpack and began attempting to contaminate the backpack with a a powerful aura, she attempted numerous times, with no luck. She then collapsed, breathing heavily as she put her hand on her chest. She shed a tear before heading back towards her house disappointed. Just as she left the alleyway, Madeleine peeked at into the alleyway, confused as to why there was a cookie there anyways.

Madeleine watched the cookie gather her items and retreat. He began following them, attempting to hide between trees. Due to his blinding armor, he had been spotted.
Light Cream stopped in her tracks and turned towards the light cookie.

"Oh my. I- I apologize."

Madeleine, embarrassed, turned to leave before being stopped by her.

"Hey! Wait! I am sorry, I just really need help with something..."

"Oh why of course! How can I assist you?"

Light Cream then replied,

"I can't seem to gather a lot of energy, whenever I try to cover this backpack in light, it dims out in the next five seconds. I am trying to send it to my son and-"

"Oh! I am sure we can come up with a solution."

"I appreciate it..."

Madeleine gave a thumbs up before doing a step-by-step tutorial on how to connect light in order to create a larger amount.

"And huzzah!"

Light Cream exhaled and thanked Madeleine as he walked away with much more confidence than before.

Light Cream elevated the backpack and watched it float away towards the Republic.

She sighed as she began walking home.

"Hey! I didn't catch your name..."

Light Cream turned to see Madeleine.

"Uhm.. Light Cream Cookie.."

"Great! I am Madeleine Cookie. Nice to meet you."

He took out his hand for a handshake, she hesitantly took out her hand and shook it. She sighed in relief as the cookie skipped away,

"If you need any help, my house is just around the block!"

Madeleine grinned before closing the door. She gave a weak smile and continued walking. She was destined to meet him.

Clotted Cream Cookie sat in his chambers, thinking of a reply to the letter. He tapped his fingers against the desk before someone knocked on the door, he turned towards the door and saw Financier.

"Sir- Consul, it is urgent. You need to hurry."

Clotted sat up and followed Financier, she had led him to the Institute of Thaumaturgy. It seemed like a wreck, tons of equipment were stolen and it seems it hadn't been touched in decades.

"The Soul Jam had vanished. They had left no traces. Other than the entire institute being obliterated."

Financier spoke.

"H-How could this have happen? Without a singular noise?"

Clotted Cream looked around confusingly before turning towards his chambers.

"Financier, remind me tomorrow to hold a meeting. Though, they might already realize it by morning."

"Yes, consul." "

You may head to your room for now, please rest."

"Yes, sire."

Financier walked off as Clotted Cream collapsed onto his chair, he thought for a response but nothing came to mind. He's too caught up with the Lyceum, Soul Jam, his researchers and... his mother.

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