10 | It isn't what you think it is

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Espresso and Madeleine both walked next to each other.

"Ex-colleague?" Espresso whispered to himself.

"Huh?" Madeleine stopped and grabbed Espressos shoulder.

Espresso pulled his head in as he spoke quietly,

"Ex-colleague. Roguefort is a criminal. Remember?"

"I don't know what you're talking about-"

"Madeleine!" His aunt had come running up towards him, her hands wide.

"Oh deary me, it's so good to see you!"

Madeleine hugged her back as she had shook Espressos hand.

"Espresso right? Nice to see you."

"I-I have to get going." Espresso waved quickly as he had rushed away.

"What's up with him?"


"Roguefort. You have to trust me."

"How do I expect you to bail me out of jail if your a whole country away?" Roguefort argued, furrowing his eyebrows.

"They'll probably do as I say, you just have to be perfect."

"And if this isn't executed your way you won't bail me out?"

"Precisely." Clotted Cream spun around on his chair, getting up and walking towards a blueprint.

"This, is the entrance. You make your way through these four tables, ending up right in front of the stairs. You go up to this step and hit the chandelier with, your... Weapon. The chandelier shatters, in the panic you have to begin to steal as much valuables as you can from the rooms from above."

"But what if-"

Knock knock.

"Quick get under!"

Roguefort dives to the side of his bed, sliding under.

"Come in."

Financier slides the door open.

"Am I interrupting something?"

"No why?" Clotted Cream asks, sitting on his bed in the process.

"Were you on the phone?" Financier pushes the door shut, sliding in front of it.


"Oh, then I apologize." Financier then sits on her chair, setting down her belongings on a separate desk.

"Isn't your break until later?"

"No." She answers combing through her hair with her hands.



Espresso pushed all the papers off his old work counter, blowing at the dust surrounding his computer.

He turns on the computer, typing expeditiously.

The search was blocked.

He sighs turning his computer off. He spins his chair as someone knocks on the door.


Roguefort breathed heavily as Clotted Cream sat on his phone,


Rogueforts phone buzzed.

Clotted Cream froze as Financier turned on her chair.

"Who is under your bed?"

"No-" Financier ducked down to check under the bed.




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