2 | Secrecy was Vital

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Clotted Cream opened his eyes. Financier had been shaking his shoulder for the past... let's assume five minutes. "Consul!" Clotted Cream turned around. He was in his room, he had seem to have slept on his desk. He rubbed his eyes before speaking. "Uh- Good morning, Financier." "The meeting! You've been sleeping since noon. When did you sl- Ahem. Sorry for speaking my mind." "I slept enough. We must get moving, lest we accidentally cripple our own plans..." (Not an Espresso Cookie line reference.) He leapt out his chair and began fixing his creased clothes, he yawned before heading towards the Lyceum, "Have you called everyone already?" Clotted asked, "Yes, Consul." Financier responded, staying behind Clotted. Clotted Cream straightened his clothes and hair once more before entering. He walked up and sat infront of most of the Elders. He looked around before realizing one was gone. "Salutations, Elders. Sorry for being a bit off time to my own audience. But, does anyone know about Mille-Feuille's whereabouts?" "The Divine Sanctum, Sir." Financier spoke. "Financier, do you mind?" Financier got up and headed towards the Sanctum. In the mean time Clotted had began to speak, "Hello, Elders. I have requested an audience due to the fact that we have an issue. As you might have already noticed. We had lost the Soul Jam." Custard sat up. "WE LOST THE SOUL JAM? This was the ONLY THING we had to protect, and we STILL LOST IT?" Custard yelled. "I must reassure you that we have most of it under control, even though they had left no evidence. Also, I m-" "I disagree, Custard Cookie. As you are the head of House Custard, the one supposedly protecting the Soul Jam; yet the Soul Jam has been stolen. I believe that there is no fault other than yours." Oyster said, looking at Custard. "That is correct. As we are on the brink of war, our citizens are in danger. Our citizens are one of our top priorities. The rest being the magic candy, pearl candies, and the Soul Jam itself." "If we do not return the Soul Jam by next month, We might not be able to save the Republic." Baumkuchen Cookie stated. "Please, do not think so negatively. We may be on edge, but you are the Elders of the Convocation. The Republic needs you. And so do I." The Elders looked at each other before looking back at Clotted Cream. "You are all dismissed. Thank you." As they all exited the room Clotted Cream collapsed. His impeccable posture was dreadful. Having to maintain the same smile, consistent straight posture, chest up, it was tiring. Clotted laid on the floor as Financier walked in, Clotted Cream stood up, dusting off his uniform and readjusting his shoulder pads. He looked at Mille-Feuille Cookie and Financier. "Hello, Mille-Feuille Cookie, why were you late to todays meeting? This meeting was- Quite urgent." "Speak." Financier spoke, staring at Mille-Feuille. She simply stared at the Consul with blank eyes. "I was simply just handing out goods to the orphans, nothing too important." She responded. "Hm, that is fine. Financier may you take her through a recap? I have to tend to a letter." Clotted asked. Financier agreed and began to speak. Clotted had left the room and headed to his room. He stared at his desk with an empty letter. He sat down, picking up a pen and simply stared. He thought deeply but couldn't think of a response. He scoffed out of frustration and got up. He felt he needed a simple break and left his room. He headed outdoors and began searching for a place to eat.

In the meantime, Financier had knocked on his room. "Consul I-" She opened the door to an empty room. She squinted her eyes and closed the door. She looked around the place and found no sign of the consul. She scavenged the areas before sitting down. She held a backpack, emitting a small light. She stared at it as the door had opened.

Clotted Cream returned with tea in a cup and a croissant. Financier stood up to speak before Clotted spoke first. "Greetings, Ser Financier. I see you need me?" He walked up to her as she handed him a backpack. "A backpack? What must this be for?" "I am not sure. It delivered with no name or no sign of ownership." "How did it get here?" He fiddled with the backpack, tossing it around and turning it. "Through light." She responded, emitting small light sparks from her hand. "Hm. Interesting. Thank you. I must take a look at this, backpack..."

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