7 | Planning

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Clotted Cream sat up, he stared out the window. It was pitch dark, clearly reminding him of an incident from a while back. He shuddered just at the thought of having to repeat that memory. Definitely would not recommend. He pulled out a cellular device (?) and checked his time.
It was midnight. It seems he had fallen asleep during his thinking process. He felt quite disappointed, no really. It's disappointing.
Maybe he wasn't fit to be the Consul of a whole City-State. Maybe his father was right.
He stood up. He had made his decision. He is leaving. He is escaping the Crème Republic, find a new life, new friends. He can't take the power being given, he's too young.
He stood up, adjusting his posture, wiping small bits of dust on him. After all the Institute hasn't been used since the Pearl Candy invention. He put his hand on the door, opening it. He rushed to his room, heavily breathing. He definitely was going to wake up next morning regretting every decision made the day before. He carefully walked through the door, contemplating his decision. He sat on his bed, planning how to run without Financier, Espresso, Madeleine, and basically everyone, knowing his absence. Perhaps a decoy? Hiring someone to replace THE Consul of the Creme Republic? What a joke.
He sat on the edge of his bed, cradling himself back and forth, still thinking of further decisions. He thought ahead, wondering where would he head to? Who would he visit? When?
He stopped at the second question. He stared at his desk filled with the many letters being scattered across. He stood up, walking towards them. He decided to figure the source of these letters.


Espresso and Madeleine sat in two beds, being separated due to a night stand in between. Madeleine was of course, explaining his background information of himself, to what seems to be nobody. Whereas Espresso is writing notes in his journal.

"Why do you always bring that journal with you to everywhere we go?"

Madeleine asked, tilting one eyebrow.

"Time tracking. Just in case my average lowers, or even increases. A rare instance."

Espresso stared, completing his writing for the night. He set the journal on his nightstand.

"You're going to sleep, right?"

Madeleine asked anxiously.

"Yes, even though i'm not one to keep promises..."

Espresso muffling the last part as he shuffled in his bed, trying to find a comfortable position.

"Oh, goodnight, Espresso. May the divine bless your dreams..."

Madeleine spoke softly, turning to face the wall as well.


Clotted Cream had completed opening every letter he had found around his room. Looking in every crevice, including under his bed. He overall found 76. Attempting to add up all these clues found in the letters, even while it seemed the writer was in a rush. About only 10 letters contained the location, still being smudged. He sat at his desk. Staring at the illiterate letters, he wondered who could this be.


Madeleine waited a few minutes, hoping for Espresso to be asleep. He turned back around to see Espresso facing towards the wall. He began to reach his hand towards Espresso's journal before Espresso turned towards Madeleine. Madeleine rolled to face the wall once more as Espresso sat up on his bed.

"I couldn't sleep."

Espresso spoke, still subtly tired.

Madeleine turned around to find Espresso turning to Madeleine.

"I'm cold."

Madeleine spoke, realizing his blanket had fallen to the floor.

Espresso looked down and up at Madeleine, shaking his head in disappointment.
Madeleine stood up, walking towards Espresso's bed and laid on the edge.

"You have your own bed."

Espresso spoke, honestly seeming frustrated.


Madeleine responded blankly, zoning out on Espresso's face.

"I'm going back to sleep, goodnight, Madeleine."

Espresso began to lay on his side as pulled up his blanket, which was caught my Madeleine.

"This one is mine."

"Not anymore."

Madeleine pulled it with slight force as Espresso pulled as well. Espresso then had thought of a great idea. He let go of the blanket as Madeleine fell to the floor.
Madeleine grunted, taking the blanket with him.

"That was so unnecessary."

Madeleine spoke, frowning while sitting on the floor.

"May I have it back?"

"Technically, I had won, so no."

Madeleine stood up, taking both blankets and sat in his own bed, facing towards Espresso.

Espresso stood up, walking towards Madeleine.
Madeleine tightly hugged the blankets, still clearly wanting both.

"Give me one."

Espresso demanded, having his hand out.

Madeleine shook his head, placing his head into his hand as a joke and retreating.

"Please Madeleine, give it."

Madeleine giggled, wondering why he was oh so desperate for a blanket.

"Why do you want it so b-"


Espresso interrupted, basically begging for the blanket. He stood tilted, still having his hand out.


Madeleine tilted his eyebrows as Espresso put his hand down, crossing them.

"... That comment was unexpected."

Espresso said, glancing around the room.

Madeleine laughed confidently, he was quite proud that he had left his friend shocked.
Madeleine grabbed Espresso arm, pulling him over his shoulder, slamming him on the bed.
Espresso struggled, gasping for air.

"You knocked the wind out of me I swear-"

Espresso inhaled a seemingly healthy amount of air and exhaled a small portion, gasping for more.
Espresso pushed Madeleines head with his palm, turning to the face away from Madeleine.

"In all seriousness, goodnight."

Authors Note:
I didn't mean to make 3/4s of this chapter Espresso and Madeleine but it just happened, not really a severe problem but it might be a small problem.

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