4 | Reality

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Authors note:
This chapter contains reality shit. Please beware of the following texts. Thank you.

Clotted jolted awake. He stared around his room absolutely terrified. It was pitch black. He stood off his chair, and began to open his door before the curtains behind him blew through his window. He never opens his window. He backed up, attempting to close the window. He stuck his hand to close it before his hand was taken by a mysterious force, pulling him out the window.

Clotted nearly fell off his chair. He gasped for air as he looked at his window. It was shut. It was still pitch black though. Financier was no where to be seen. He stood up, trembling. He checked the time, 3:45 AM. He realized this was reality. He sighed and fainted back down.

He woke up, back in another dimension. He looked for his clock, no where in sight. He realized what this was. He noticed the window. He instead went out his room. The hallways were pitch black. He simply walked through the hallways to find multiple windows open. He ignored them all and headed for the front door. He reached his hand out to open it before another force took him. It latched his hand to the doorknob before a powerful wind swished him backwards. He exhaled for the impact but he instead started falling straight through the floor. He panicked around before staring down into the abyss. There was simply nothing. He turned around to find a stop motion of images. It was the Republic. It was a lively place. The skies were as clear as ever and civilians were overjoyed. He cracked a smile before the images were starting to get disturbing. He realized each image began to contain patches of red in the sky. The last few images were plain red with illegible text. He looked down to see concrete. He closed his eyes before again, falling through his ceiling.

He swiped away tears as he attempted to stand up. He immediately fell back down. He stared around in hopes to see someone. Nobody. There was nobody. Nobody would ever help him. He was the republics only hope. Only him. He laid down in a corner. Tears threatening to fall. This was going to be a long night.

He woke up once more. He began to walk towards his bedroom door. He twisted the handle, locked. He turned to the window. As he walked towards the window, in his peripheral vision he spotted a figure. He turned to see, Financier. He turned around behind him to see no one. He looked back at the mirror as she appeared to be closer. He turned around, nobody. Turned around, closer. He stood there, basically on the verge of a panic attack. He went closer the mirror, CLASH. He had broke the mirror. He turned behind him to see his mother. She looked panicked, and scared. "Dear son, please come home. I miss you." He reached out before a force had took his feet. He descended into the floor again. He stared at the stop motion. This time it was other cookies. It included unknown cookies. Ones he hadn't yet to know. It shows them together. Having a blast. They had seem to be great friends. He turned to see a huge wave crashing over to him. His eyes widened as he turned back to watch the last few clips. It was pitch red, again. Showing the following codes, 0533, 0513, 0511. The wave crashed over him, sending him back to reality.

Financier stood above him, shaking him once more. "Consul! You are dripping in sweat! Are you alright?" Clotted Cream turned to talk, opening his mouth. He attempted to speak but provided no voice. He tried to speak once more but failed. He cleared his throat to speak again, no success. Financier held her hand out. Clotted took it to stand up. Financier rushed our the room and came back in seconds with water. Clotted Cream drunk it. He attempted to speak with no luck. He stared down at the floor. "Do not worry. I will call Elder Baumkuchen." Financier began to hold the doorknob before Clotted Cream grabbed her hand, shaking his head. Financier stepped back, and stood next to Clotted. "Consul, please, get some rest." Financier basically dragged Clotted to his bed, moving to quickly. He blinked to get rid of the static and practically fainted on his bed. Financier stared at him, sighing.

Financier left the room, grabbing her sword. She walked towards the front door. She opened the door to see the whole place clustered near the Academy. She frowned because she knew she was heading there. She walked towards the crowd and looked above. She saw both Espresso and Madeleine landing here, in the Republic. She gasped as tons of civilians gathered around Madeleine. Espresso frowned. He was clearly upset how much attention Madeleine was getting. Espresso pushed through the crowd towards Financier. "Ah, good morning Financier." "Good morning Espresso. I see Madeleine is already so caught up." Espresso scoffed, annoyed. "Sometimes, I wonder how I even got here. With him." "Are you annoyed? Or just jealous." "CLEARLY annoyed." "Hm." Financier watched as Madeleine pushed through the crowd. "Greetings Financier!" He grinned as Espresso stared him down. "What's the problem Espresso?" "Nothing." Madeleine frowned. "You're lying." "I know." "So, what is it?" "I- Lets just get coffee. We'll catch up later, Financier." Financier smiled, waving as both Espresso and Madeleine walked off. She stared at her sword as she began walking towards the Academy.

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