6 | Strained

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He opened the notebook, finding various empty pages between his writing. Every night, he was assigned to create huge essays of writing in order to see his mother. He smiled remembering his dedication to see his own mother. It never really worked out. He hasn't gotten to see her yet. Hopefully Custard would let him any time so-

"Consul, will you be attending our duel tomorrow? Between us and Madeleine. Espresso mentioned he wanted to speak with you about a letter?"

Financier asked, unknowingly walking in at a horrible time.

Clotted Cream froze, blinking to maintain his composure. He quickly closed his notebook and shoved it into his drawer, slamming it shut.

"Repeat that, please."

Clotted Cream asked, maintaining his perfect posture.

"Will you be watching Madeleine and I duel tomorrow? Espresso mentioned he had wanted to speak to you."

She repeated, calmly.

Clotted Cream hesitated, also perhaps wanting to speak to Espresso as well.

"I believe so, it depends on the timing. I do have to fix the Institute of Thaumaturgy, find about the Soul Jams whereabouts, find out who's behind it."

Clotted Cream explained, showing his efforts with hand movements.

"I see."

Financier responded, waving him her goodbyes, exiting the room.

Clotted Cream stood up, and began walking towards the Institute. His shoes clanked against the marble floor as he exited the building.


Espresso and Madeleine sat in Espresso's lab, as he showcased all his past experiments.

"Not to be rude, but this place looks horrid."

Madeleine blurted, crossing his arms, clearly disgusted.

"Why yes, it's a lab. Not a museum, Madeleine."

Espresso argued, frowning.

"This place carries all my necessities. I have no need for decor, if this carries all my needs then that's all I require."

Espresso added, shrugging as he walked towards his cabinets.

"Where even is your bed?"

"Madeleine. It is a lab."

"Oh right."

Madeleine laughed it off, scratching the back of his neck.

Espresso scoffed,

"Care to see my aunts with me? They sent me a letter earlier saying they wanted to greet me."

"I'd rather not. I'm still months behind on experiments."

Madeleine frowned, putting his hands on Espresso's shoulders. He peeked into Espresso's vision.

"Please. Just this once!"

"I'm already watching your duel, that was it."

"I'm sure they'd love to meet you..."




Espresso turned back to face his desk, as Madeleine pulled him by his hair.

"What are you doing?"

Espresso whipped back towards him.

"Wait. Hold still, I am almost done."

Espresso turned back, staring at the coffee brewing on his desk.

Madeleine let go of his hair, stepping back and smiling. Espresso turned around and touched the back of his head.

"Why is there two?"

Espresso tightened the two ponytails on the back of his head.

"Look, we are matching..."

Espresso stared, shaking his head.

"Are you not proud of me?"

"Not really."

"Okay, wow."

Madeleine said blankly, fake sniffling.

"Now, get out. I have to complete this."

"Why can't I stay?"

"Because you are distracting."

"If I be quiet will you come see my aunts with me?"

"If you leave for one hour I'll consider it."

Madeleine jumped in joy and left his lab, Espresso slightly laughed as he continued his experiments.


Clotted Cream sat in the Institute of Thaumaturgy, inspecting every detail that have seemed to have been destroyed, he didn't know what or who to believe. Who would leave this place a wreck?

He inspected where the Soul Jam had been, it seemed it was taken out the box itself.


He ensured that it could have not been opened by people who weren't authorized, meaning it was someone who was. He walked away, going towards the desk filled with research papers. He noted they were all scattered and visibly not organized.
He sighed, beginning to walk out the room. As he put his hand on the door, someone had swung open the door.

Clotted Cream flew back, falling to floor, reducing a bit of pain with his hand. Clotted Cream coughed, looking up.

Madeleine held a hand over his mouth with complete shock in his eyes.

"I- I am so sorry! Literally, it was a complete accident. I sincerely apologize. Please forgive me. I am sorry. I didn't mean to. It was total accident. I am sorry."

Clotted Cream sat on the floor, listening to his apology.

"Madeleine, you are fine."

Clotted Cream began to stand up as Madeleine held his hand out. He took it as Madeleine helped him up. Clotted Cream bowed his head in a thanks as Madeleine entered the Institute. He audibly gasped, placing his hand over his mouth once again.

"Madeleine, I have already told you about this."

Clotted Cream stated, shaking off his uniform.

"Oh right."

Madeleine removed his hand, still clearly shocked. He walked towards the little trinket box where the Soul Jam was kept in, he inspected it.

"How do you think they could've opened it?"

"Could be someone amongst the Convocation."

"Like Among Us?"

Madeleine giggled. Clotted Cream put his head down, disapprovingly.

"No, seriously. Someone could've been sent by the Elders."

"But they didn't take the box."

"Someone could've left it unlocked, the researchers perhaps?"

Madeleine spoke, walking near the main table.

Clotted Cream nodded approvingly.

"What's the time?"

"Hm, not sure."

Clotted Cream said, looking at his wrist, knowing he doesn't own a watch.

"I must get going, I told Espresso I'd be heading back. See you tomorrow at the Duel!"

"I'm not sure if I'm go-"

"See you there."

Madeleine confidently stated, walking out the door.

Clotted Cream sat on the desk, blank. He had no idea what to do. There is no way he will be able to find the Soul Jam. His father's mad at him. He's probably going to get jumped by Crunchy Chip and Wildberry, who knows? All he knows he's probably not coming out of this alive.

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