5 | No Confrontations

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She had entered the Academy as she began hearing obnoxiously loud footsteps. She raised an eyebrow before turning around to see Madeleine running towards her at full speed. She widened her eyes before moving out the way before he crashed into the door. Espresso followed behind him as he gasped, out of breath. "Pardon? What?" "I-"
Madeleine interrupted himself with a over exaggerated breath. Espresso opened his mouth to talk, "He was just-" "I was just wondering if you've seen Clotted Cream Cookie." Madeleine spoke as he exhaled. "He's..." Financier thought. "He's just... taking a rest. A well deserved break." "Oh, when do you think he's going to be available? Is he going to watch us?" "Hm, probably not." "What? Well, okay." Madeleine wiped sweat of his face as Espresso used a part of his sleeve to help him. "Have you both settled in?" "Wha-" "No. We were just starting to do that. Let's go Madeleine." Espresso scoffed as he dragged Madeleine along with him, walking towards their temporary home. Financier turned to begin opening the door.

Clotted Cream yawned before setting his head face down into his pillow. He woke up and it felt like a horrible hangover. He stood up for a slight second before collapsing back onto his bed. He sighed before turning in all different directions. It seemed Financier had left. He frowned before rolling to the other side of his bed. On the bedside stand, he had opened the drawer. The drawer contained a small container of medicine that Elder Baumkuchen had rewarded to him as a gift of being elected. He popped it open and drunk a small portion. He gagged as he set it back to the side. He shook his head before standing up. Basically tumbling, he walked towards his door. As soon as he set his hand on it someone swung it open. He immediately fell to the floor. "Oh. I am so-" "I am so sorry. He's on something I swear." Espresso interrupted. Clotted Cream took his head off the floor, looking up. He saw Madeleine absolutely flabbergasted at the floor and Espresso shaking his head with his arms crossed. "I am quite alright." Clotted Cream spoke before standing up. He coughed as Madeleine began to hand him a present. "We made you a little present." Madeleine smiled as he handed him the present. He took the present hesitantly. "... Ah- Thank you! I appreciate it." He turned to place the gift on his  desk before turning back around. "Here, come in." "Well-" "I insist." Madeleine smiled as he grabbed Espressos arm, pulling him inside. Clotted Cream offered them seats, Madeleine agreed but Espresso remained standing. "Are you positive? I can grab a seat if you want-" "I prefer standing." "Okay. If you insist. Now, I must speak with both of you." Madeleine stared at Clotted Cream as he looked around anxiously. Espresso turned to Madeleine, "Are you okay? You seem seriously anxious." Madeleine wiped his sweat with his glove and looked up, nodding profusely. Espresso glared as he turned back to Clotted, who was searching through his desk in an attempt to find something. He sighed as he turned back towards Espresso and Madeleine. "I must begin with the bad news, the Soul Jam has been stolen." Espressos eyes widened a bit as Madeleine covered his mouth with his glove. "Oh-" "Do you have a clue to who could've stolen it?" Espresso asked. Clotted glared at Espresso. "Hm. Perhaps." Clotted stood up and walked to the front of the room. He locked the door, going back to sit down. "Espresso, have you received my letter?" "Why yes, I first went to visit her and she handed me the letter." Madeleine tilted his head. "We just rehearsed this." Madeleine loudly whispered. Espresso turned covering Madeleines mouth with his hand. "I accept your apology. I see you were trying to do the most for the Republic. I hope you succeed in your research. Well- Not necessarily yours but you know what I meant."  Espresso responded. He glanced around. "I appreciate it, Espresso." "So, are you going to be there for Financier and I?" "Hm, perhaps not." Espresso slightly frowned as Madeleine squinted. "Why not?" "Madeleine, he has a job." "So does Financier!" "She's merely practicing with you." "Oh." Madeleine frowned. Clotted Cream sighed, "I'll see if I can make time... I've already spent too much time doing this already." "Oh- We apologize. We'll take our leave. See you then." Espresso grabbed Madeleines hand. He reached out for the handle. It was locked. Espresso stepped back for him to unlock it but he didn't. He simply stared. Espresso began to unlock it before Madeleine loudly whispered, "That's impolite. Just wait." Espresso scoffed as he stepped back again to watch Clotted Cream stare at them. They stared at each other for a few seconds before Clotted spoke. "Oh- My apologies..." He stepped towards them as he unlocked the door. Espresso and Madeleine both stepped out and closed the door behind them. Clotted immediately began searching again. He rummaged through lost papers before spotting a notebook. He smiled as he pulled it out.

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