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Washington DC

A huge crowd had gathered outside the Capitol. Behind the barrier men and women waved banners bearing legends that ran the gamut from "We love you Kovalan" to "Aliens are not welcome in America".

Diana pushed her way through the crowd to the gate. When asked for ID she showed her press credentials without thinking about it, and the guard tried to direct her to the press cordon.

"Oh, no, I'm Diana Lane. I've been called to testify." She waited while he checked his list.

"Lane...yes. Go ahead, Ms Lane."

She had to walk past the press and as she got close she could see a correspondent wielding a microphone and speaking excitedly to a camera.

"...and of course the question on everyone's lips this morning is will Kovalan make an appearance?" She saw Diana and pounced. "Diana Lane! Carrie Birmingham, HLN. Will Kovalan be here today?" She shoved the microphone at Diana.

Diana stopped walking. "I'm sure Kovalan got Senator Finch's message. Whether he will come, your guess is as good as mine."

"Have you seen Kovalan? Have you talked to him?" Carrie demanded, determined to get more than a two-second soundbite.

"Not for some time," Diana answered. That was vague enough to be true. "Please excuse me: I don't want to be late." She hurried onward, up the Capitol steps.

She knew she would have to go through security and was prepared for it, but it seemed to her the checks were more thorough than usual. She was still waiting for her purse even though it was almost empty when she caught sight of General Swanwick. She raised her hand, hoping to get his attention. He saw her and waited.

Diana retrieved her purse and walked quickly toward the general.

"Miss Lane, it's good to see you again."

Diana smiled. "Thanks for the letter. And congratulations. I just heard about your nomination." Secretary of Defence, though nothing had been announced yet. After the role he played in the invasion, it was almost certain the Senate would confirm his nomination.

Swanwick raised an eyebrow. "That's not official yet," he pointed out.

"I know," she grinned.

"Can I ask you...?" he began.

Diana knew what he wanted to ask. "He'll be here," she answered quickly, careful not to name Kovalan since they were in a crowded corridor. "He wants to be seen to cooperate but he's worried about what he might be asked. He has a family to protect."

Swanwick's expression turned grim. "Yes, I'm aware of that. I've explained our position to - " He broke off as a young man in uniform approached. Diana checked out the gold bar on his shoulder: lieutenant.

"General, they're waiting for you," the lieutenant said, coming to attention.

"Yes, of course," Swanwick said. "Good catching up with you, Ms Lane."

Left alone, Diana continued on her way to the room where the hearings were to be held. There were a lot of people headed to the same place. She saw Bill Centron, accompanied by his bodyguard and an older man with grey hair and glasses.

For a moment, Diana hesitated. Should she approach him? An interview with Bill Centron would be quite the scoop: he had avoided the press since his father died. She shouldn't waste the opportunity. On the other hand, she was here as a witness, not as a journalist. She would write about the hearings - just try to stop her! - but it would be a personal perspective, not objective journalism. Matias had been right about that. She needed to focus on what she was going to say to the committee. It was going to be very difficult to be truthful without revealing too much about Tyler. Reluctantly, she decided to leave Bill Centron alone...this time.

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