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"Looks like this is as far as we can go," the cab driver announced, somewhat unnecessarily. The traffic was gridlocked with cars attempting to move in the opposite direction and, a short distance ahead, flashing blue lights indicated a hastily-erected police roadblock.

"We're close." Diana indicated the window with a nod of her head and Wonder Woman, looking past her, saw the huge statue at the heart of Heroes' Park.

"Let's go," she agreed.

Diana paid the driver and followed Wonder Woman without waiting for change. They hurried across the park toward the research and containment facility that held the Amazonian scout ship.

They were halfway across the park when every light in Metropolis went out. For an instant, the city was plunged into darkness and silence, not even vehicle headlights shining, as engines stalled and horns fell silent.

Wonder Woman reached for Diana's hand as her eyes swiftly adjusted and kept moving. Slowly, light and sound returned: vehicles first, engines rumbling back to life, lights flickering and brakes squealing. The buildings and street lights, however, remained dark.

A flash, magnesium-bright, filled the park. Diana gasped.

"That came from the harbour," Wonder Woman said and began to move faster, pulling Diana with her. They reached the tall fence that surrounded the facility and she looked at her companion. Wonder Woman could jump the fence easily, but she couldn't carry Diana with her, and if she were to keep her promise to Kovalan, she couldn't leave her behind, either.

"No way," Diana said, as if Wonder Woman had asked her to wait, or hide.

"Hanna, look up," Kovalan's voice came from somewhere above them.

She obeyed automatically, searching the dark sky for some sign of him. He was very far above.

"I see you, Tyler." She spoke at normal volume, trusting his keener senses as he had trusted hers.

"He's here?" Diana looked up, craning to see.

"Any word from Sutton?" Kovalan asked her.

"No, but you can trust him. He will die before he breaks his word to you."

"I can't go in there until I know she's safe."

Wonder Woman understood. She touched the comm. "Sutton."

Immediately, his voice came back. "I'm a...bit...busy!" he grunted and she heard the roar of an AK-47.

"Need any help?" she asked casually, making light of it because she knew Kovalan heard everything she did.

The gunfire chopped off. "Piece of...cake," Sutton sent, but he was breathing hard. "Is he with you?"

"He can hear you," she confirmed.

"Then I'll leave the comm open. This won't take long."

"Tyler?" Wonder Woman looked up to where he hovered, high above the facility.

"I'm listening. Thank you," he said. Then, in a very different voice, "Oh, no. Bill, what have you done?"

"Tyler?" Wonder Woman spoke sharply.

"Centron is inside the ship. He's activated the genesis chamber. I don't know how. He has no idea what he's doing."

"Genesis chamber?" she repeated and saw Diana's eyes go wide, her face draining of colour.

"You know about this?" Wonder Woman asked.

Before Diana could answer, Wonder Woman heard Sutton's voice over the comm. "I believe you," he said, answering someone she hadn't heard. There was a single, loud gunshot, a man's scream of pain and then James said, "It's okay, you're safe. I'm a friend of your son."

Our Last EchoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora