After 11.5: Dylan

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A/N 1: First of all I want to apologize for taking so so long to update. This is literally the second update on 2022 and I'm so sorry for that. Work responsibilities kept me from writing then this summer I was out of the country for family stuff. But I'm back!!! And please expect regular updates :) 

A/N 2: Agentes and Federals are both in Spanish.


"If you keep shaking your leg, you're going to attract more attention."

I glared at Agent Riley Fey, who was sitting next to me looking cool, calm, and collected. With every smile and nod he gave a passing agente, my annoyance grew and grew.

How could I have ever thought Riley could be my friend? The guy drove me insane just by standing there.

Five days later, we were currently at the Policia Federal Ministerial, after being turned away from the Palacio Nacional for the past four days, surrounded by federals, agentes, and I couldn't help but feel like the people who probably had it out for Melody and Jasper were watching us. And while I may not completely believe her story, it doesn't mean I liked being thrown in a shark tank.

I've counted at least ten agentes who were looking at us and whispering and two who were making rounds around the lobby to listen to our conversation.

None of which fazed Agent Fey, even though he clearly saw what I saw.

I hated him for it. And I kind of admired him for it.

"Why aren't you more freaked out?" I whispered when the coast was clear.

"Why would I be freaking out?"

"If they wanted to put us in a Mexican jail where no one knew where we were, they could," I said, crossing my arms.

"I'd know," A voice said through my ear comms. Melody. I think she was trying to sound charming, but her voice only turned my vision red. "I'd bust you out."

"Of course, you're an expert in breaking out of prisons," I muttered, and Agent Riley sent me a death glare, which I returned.

"Play nice," another voice said, trying to sound playful and stern. Jasper. Like the lap dog he was.

I still couldn't wrap my head around his loyalty to her. It didn't make sense to me. She broke his heart, left him alone when she needed him the most, and he was putting our friendship at risk for a traitor. A murderer.

"My bosses gave us an order, Agent Carter. No need to be nervous." No need? No need?

We were in unknown territory here – if, and it was a small if but a very real if, the Mexican government was planning something against the American government, us asking around about Melody was going to turn heads.

And if they had something to do with what happened with Melody...

"We're just asking questions," Fey kept going. I was getting really tired of his voice. "So, if you don't stop shaking your leg, I'll send you outside and I'll do this alone."

"I dare you to try and touch me," I said, sending him a smile.

"I knew this was a bad idea," Jasper said in my ear.

"Shut up," Riley and I said at the same time. We sat in silence again and I forced on my surroundings again.

People were definitely talking. And staring... But as I tried to calm down, I realized they were mostly looking at Riley. When I turned to say something to Riley, he was already looking at me.

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