Before: 9

92 4 7

A/N: I'M SO SORRY FOR THE THREE MONTH WAIT. I had the worst case of writers block and my laptop has been slowly dying on me!! I would love to keep the weekly updates that I started with when coming back, but the chapters are getting longer and life keeps getting shittier, so I will be pushing the updates to every two weeks with a MAXIMUM wait of a month. Anything else and you can all harass me :) I even have a twitter if you're wattpad shy ;D (follow WriterMysky14) if I get a decent amount of followers maybe I'll post sneak peaks :O

It's not that long - in fact I had like four other scenes I wanted to add but I hated keeping you guys waiting!! It'll just be moved to the next Before so I'm sorry if they seem a little slow right now! 


Once upon a time, I hated Reyna's Academy for the Gifted and talented. Watching the way the students embraced Jasper as their own made me realize how much time I wasted being angry here.

I couldn't help but think of October. She hadn't wasted her childhood being mad at her situation.

No, that was recent.     

I watched as October seized Jasper up. After his very, very, lucky hit, October would make it her life mission to understand everything about him. It was just who she was.

Even if I hadn't asked her to talk to him, October's interest would get the better of her. Besides, as much as she claims she's changed, the October that craved the outside world was there and Jasper Cross was something October Montez had never seen before. Rich, famous, powerful, and just as lost as she was.

"You're staring again," Kennedy said, smirking.

"I'm afraid she'll try to hurt him,"  I lied sending Kennedy a smile. "October isn't the type to let an amateur have one over her."

"No, she's not," the girl next to us said. Khalil, Kennedy's girlfriend, was putting long black hair in a ponytail. "He's only been here for a few hours and he's already making waves. As if his title alone wasn't enough, this will make him a legend."

I wasn't going to admit she was right. Jasper was the shiny new thing since October was forced to stay on grounds three years ago.

"Guess I'll have to keep all the fangirls away in here too," I joked, bringing my arms and fist in a fight stance. On the course, the 9th and 10 graders started taking their position. On the other side, the 7th and 8th graders were huddled around Jasper.

"I would pay a lot of money to see Melody Edwin beat up a couple of middle schoolers," Jorden's voice came from behind them. When I turned he had his arm lazily over Nola's shoulders. I had to give it to them, their time apart was becoming shorter and shorter.

"Don't let the wire tapes let you hear that, the FBI might fire you," Nola countered, sliding off his grip to step closer to Kennedy and Kahlil as if we all didn't see them together already. A few benches away, Oscar and Addy were jumping over people laughing as they raced to reach us.

"There are no wire tapes," I reminded them. Nola only narrowed her eyes at me. Since the schools massive assembly on the new "Jasper" rules, they've been trying to figure out how they would keep tabs on their conversations. I turned to the last of our group. "And where were you guys?"

"Putting the final touches to our invention," Addy said, with a huge smile.

"Oscar finally agreed to help you?" Khalil asked, not bothering to hide her smirk. Addy only blushed in response while Oscar bit his cheek angrily.

I'm going to have to find someone to hack the Winter Camp files, I thought. 

"She barely needed my help," Oscar muttered, just in time for October to jump back on the stage. Standing in front of me I watched as he focused on the stage while Addy focused on him with a sad look. I leaned in so I could wrap my arms around both of them.

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