Before: 7

156 7 7

Happy 9 years on Wattpad to me :)

A/N ALSO I'm so sorry chapters have been so late! I've planned all After chapters and the END of the Before chapters, so Before chapters now I'm sort of winging ;D Jasper coming to Reyna's is something I just thought out so I haven't thought it ALL out! 

I also have to limit how much of October I want to write about without totally spoiling her story (she's my baby, the first character I ever created so I'm high key very excited to write her, finally) and writing a spy school is very hard ;D BUTTTT be patient with me guys! I am updating!

Don't be afraid to bully me into updating, I won't be mad! haha



After talking to Jasper, our girls night was ruined when we entered the gym and were welcomed by Instructor Holden and Oscar, who were breaking curfew for extra combat lessons. I watched as October swung the sword over her head and across her chest, side to side. She had a firm grip on, almost like she was preparing for war. Instructor Holden was in the other end of the gym with Oscar. I was surprised when walked in and Oscar was working out. Before I left, physical activities weren't his strong suit. No, Oscar strived in other aspects of Reyna's curriculum. But right now, he was fighting with Instructor Holden, hand to hand, and he was winning.

"So when did that start?" I asked October, drawing her attention from the sword in front of her. Wooden practice swords laid next to her but she wasn't interested in those. The one in her hands was real and sharp.

She glanced over at the two boys. "Oh that? I don't know. Apparently Winter Camp was hard on Oscar last year. I don't know what happened, I wasn't allowed out." She went back to the sword so I did too.

"What exactly are you doing with that?" I asked her. She hasn't asked me to join her... yet.

"Week ten: swords," she said, and I stared at her in confusion.


She stopped the sword playing and sent me a small smile. "A little side project of mine," she explained. "You know my oath?"

I nodded. October had taken oath against taking a life the day they found at the doorsteps of Reyna academy. It was written on a note in her pocket - written by the person who dropped her off. It was the only thing she held from her past, that and the scar on her scalp.

"I use to annoy the hell out of the teachers for it," October said, laughing. "I refused to let me teach me any way of killing someone. Use to get into screaming matches with Professor Becker over weapons and Dr. Halloway on poisons." She shook her head, swinging the sword in front of her. "But that was stupid of me. Childish. I should've been playing more attention because the only way I can make sure I never take a life is knowing every possible to way to do so. And avoid it."

She really had grown up since the last time I saw her. I could feel the air get heavy again. I even noticed Instructor Holden was looking at her from the corner of his eye as he held the punching bag for Oscar. While everyone got more serious in my absent, I became more loose and relaxed.

"And in what world will you be needing a sword to be a spy?"

October laughed and rolled her eyes. "Holden!" She called out. Instructor Holden looked over as October turned the sword so the handle was out towards him.

He shook his head and looked a little worried.

"Last time I took part in your project, I had to take a week off!" He said, getting me and Oscar to laugh. "I'm not getting anywhere near you with a sword!"

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