Before: 3

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MAY 2020 update: A/N Hello everyone! I hope you are taking care of yourself and being safe during this scary time!

This story is still on hold BUT because the First Bodyguard ranked #1 on the President tag the last two days and the serious amount of new fans, reads, and votes the story has gotten in the last year, I decided you guys deserved a treat! Thank you for sticking with me!

Please follow my new account for the new version of The First Bodyguard. There will be slight plot changes, name changes and a whole lot of more drama. The title is: Heart on the Line. The cover can be seen at the top and bottom of this chapter! It's so pretty I'm in love with it.

I do have an After chapter already done! I will post it in a week!

NEW ACCOUNT @InTheClouds1020

*unedited - I wrote it till 4 a.m yesterday, time is an illusion*

Before 3: Melody

I almost felt bad. I stared at Jasper on the ground, sweat dripping from his forehead. His face is scrunched in frustration as he slammed his fist against the floor mats. I should probably stop. We've been training for five hours, and I put him down every time. He's sloppy. He's angry. Angrier than I originally thought. The sudden thought that I had been too busy with the FBI to noticed my boyfriend wasn't doing okay. But I pushed it back. Me breaking down isn't want he needed. Jasper pulled himself together and got in position again. I raised my eyebrow in question, but he didn't acknowledge it.


He swung at me and I dodged it easily. It went back and forth for awhile, the only sounds in the gym were the sound of our breathing. When he tried to hit me in the stomach, I grabbed his fist. But before I could move, he hooked his foot around my ankle and pulled, taking both of us to the ground. He was on top of me, taking the hand that gripped his fist and pulling my arm over my neck. He didn't apply pressure, just held it there for awhile.

"Better," I said, then I brought my unhooked leg up in the air and hit the back of his head, hard. He let go of my arm and I flipped us over so I was on top. Then I pinned him to the ground.

Anger still danced in his eyes but he smiled. Had he always been like and I was just too blind? "You just love being on top, don't you?"

I ignored him. If I pretend maybe he won't notice? "You'll never get better if you keep fighting like this."

His smile fell. "Like what?"

"Like an angsty little teenager with anger issues." I rolled off of him and pulled myself off the ground. He did the same.

"I am an angsty little teenager with anger issues," he teased as he started unrolling and rolling the boxing tape from his hand.

I gave him a stern look and he rolled his eyes. "Okay, fine I get it. Let's go again."

I shook my head, taking out my cellphone. I sent a quick message before glancing back at him. "You have a charity photoshoot to get to," I reminded him and he groaned. "Melissa already yelled at me for making you late for your last one."

"At least this ones for charity," he muttered. He didn't ask who I just texted. "The last one was for a calendar, like really? The women is taking the fun out of my good looks."

I only laughed, taking off the boxing tape. He stared at me for a moment before he asked. "Are you coming with?" He looked unsure of himself, but he didn't look away. I did.

I turned my face away from him and focused on my hands. If I stared into his blue eyes, he might think something was wrong. "Nope. The only condition of my early vacation was I be at the briefing for my teams recent mission. Agent Fey's taking my place."

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