After: 5

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1. I'm so sorry for the late chapter! But I'm doing NaNoWriMo for the Bodyguard rewrite - Add me as a buddy if you're also doing it: in_the_clouds1020

2. I started a writing blog for my stories! Follow me on tumblr: (still under construction but it's getting there - info on the new The First Bodyguard will be there!)

3. Remember when I said I was going to introduce characters from other stories that I was planning? you guys get to meet another at the end! :)

4. Since coming back to this book, the First Bodyguard has gotten 10,000 reads in two months. I'm truly shocked that that even happened! Thank you all who's reading!



Riley was waiting for us in Georgia. That's what Melody told me, when she wasn't pretending I was invisible. We stole a car and after switching cars, clothes and driving in circles for hours, we hopped on a bus to Riley's safe house. I followed every single one of Melody's orders, and we made it to the bus stop without another obstacle. I was relieved. At least something went well.    

We weren't out of the woods yet, though.

Melody hadn't said a word for the first few hours, but I did notice she was getting tired and slower.     The lost of blood must be getting to her but she didn't complain. She wouldn't.

When the bus stopped, Melody got up and out of the bus before I could say anything. I watched as she ran to the bathroom, pale and in pain. The rest stop was a food court but I made my way through it to the small store at the end of the building. Keeping my head down and away from the cameras, I made my way to first aid aisle. After getting a few things and paying for them, I walked towards the bathroom and knocked.

"Someone's in here," Melody's voice called out. I knew she wouldn't opened the door if I told her I was going to help.

"I think someone recognized me, open up," I said, faking my panic voice. I'd feel bad, but it worked. She opened the door in less an a second.

"What the hell are you talking-" I cut her off but pushing open the door.

"I lied," I said, pushing myself in and closing the door behind me. Mel narrowed her eyes at me and opened her mouth, but I cut her off. "You won't scream because you don't want to draw attention," I told her, smirking. I brought the bag up for her to see her. "And I brought cheap medical supplies to help the obviously bleeding wound you have." Mel leaned against the wall, covering her stomach. "And a shirt that says Georgia is for lovers."

"I'm fine," she muttered, looking at the ground. "What the hell are you even doing? If someone saw you-"

"No one saw me because I'm a master spy," I said, dumping on medical supplies on the sink counter. "Unlike you. If you keep trying to be tough you're going to bleed out before we make it to the safe house."

Mel stared at me for a few seconds. "Fine, but I can do it alone. Leave."

"Nope. Take your shirt off," I ordered. A blush crept on her face and I laughed softly. "Mel, I've seen you naked before," I reminded her.

She rolled her eyes and reached for the supplies. If a blush could get deeper, hers just did. "Yeah, well, we're not dating anymore so get out," she ordered. "Past exposure doesn't mean you can look any time you want."

I laughed again. "Exposure? Mel, You're bleeding out. Stop trying to keep me at arms length because it's a complete waste of time. I'm not going anywhere."

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