After: 4

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A/N I noticed that I have been calling DYLAN Michael since I came back to writing. HAHAHA - I'm so dumb! Anyways, I did go back and changed it. Clarification: Dylan Carter is the SON - Michael Carter is the DAD. 


*dedications made to fans who were asking for updates, no matter how long ago! :) 


When I woke up, I was alone. Or least as alone as I could be in my own makeshift cell. My head was still pounding, my body still hurt and I felt like screaming until my voice was gone.

Instead I laid in my cot and didn't move.

A month. A month. I forgot a month and Melissa is dead with a bullet in her that matched my weapon.

For a moment, a very long moment I thought maybe I did kill her.

But my moment of doubt was cut short when I heard a familiar voice. One I didn't think I would be so glad to hear.

"Well, Edwin, I really can't leave you alone for more than a minute."

Agent Riley Fey was leaning against the bars. I don't know how long he was sitting there, but although his voice was teasing, his eyes weren't.

They were serious. Very serious. And they were staring at me.

And I couldn't help but feel so happy to see him. To see someone who wasn't looking at me like I was crazy. A friend.

"Riley," I whispered, sitting up. Sharp pain shot up from my abdomen. I didn't even look at my wounds before I was wrapped. I don't even know what kind of damage I had. Riley flinched.

"Hey, be careful," Riley said softly. But I moved closer until I had a grip on the bars.

"I didn't do it," I told him. I felt like it was hopeless but if he didn't believe, how can anyone else? "You need to tell me what we've been doing the last month because I remember our case-" he interrupted me with a cough and sent a quick side glance at the guard.

"Melody, I just came to check up on you," Riley said, forcing at smile. Great. he was hiding something. "I don't think you're in the right condition to talk right now. In fact, I think you shouldn't stop talking at all."

I stepped away from the bar, and from him. "Riley, I didn't do anything!" I yelled, the reoccurring panic coming back again. But then I'm angry. Angry that he's telling me what to do, angry that he wasn't listening to me. I narrowed my eyes at him. "Why are you even here?"

He turned his head to the side and gave me a real smile. My change in attitude didn't affect him. 

"Jasper called me," he said, surprising me. Jasper called Riley Fey? "He's freaking out."

Jasper. The way he looked at me in the oval office. The way he screamed as they took him away.

I blinked away tears. "He's not the only one," I muttered. Riley bit his lip before he let out a sigh, like he lost an internal fight with himself

"I'll tell you something but you need to sit down first," Riley said, stuffing his hands in his pocket. "They told me you lost it a little in interrogation."

I couldn't argue with that. But the sudden thought of being all alone on the corner if I was getting bad news didn't sit well with me. So I walked, slowly, back to the cot, grabbed the blanket and then I laid it out in the corner wall right next to the bars. Riley raised an eyebrow but came over when I waved him over. He bent down so he was at my level.

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