Chapter 62

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Chapter 62

February 3rd, 2158 (station time)

Logan and Josh sat in the bushes, staring at the spot were the tunnel should open. Logan was sure that the tunnel had missed its time and was late on opening. After checking his DNAC he sadly noted that much less time had passed than he had thought. It would seam that once again time was playing its cruel joke of relativism.

Josh had become uncharacteristically quiet. It was possible that he was deep in thought, or more likely he was just too tired to speak. In silence, the two sat and waited, willing the tunnel open.

Josh's DNAC broke the silence. A soft bip announced the time the tunnel was supposed to be opened. Logan looked back to the empty space, and still saw no tunnel.

Logan briefly wondered if this end of the tunnel would form and open at the exact same time as at the other end, in the station. Or, did the tunnel open in the station first, and then here on the planet.

Then, Logan noticed a slight light through the fog. It shimmered slightly as it grew brighter. No, it wasn't getting brighter it was getting bigger.

Suddenly Logan's brain snapped into coherence. It was the tunnel opening. The lights were artificial, and coming from inside the station.

Both Logan and Josh staggered to their feet, and began to shuffle toward the opening tunnel. They began to move faster, now at half a run. They were almost off of this planet and back in the safety and comfort of the station. The farther they traveled the faster they were able to will their bodies to move.

A goliath's call came from just behind them. The sudden loud and deep sound was too much for Josh's tired body to handle. He collapsed onto his hands and knees. Logan who was several steps ahead of Josh had turned to see how close the goliath was when he saw Josh fall. Quickly, he turned around and went back to help his friend.

Another goliath called from off in the distance, Logan wasn't sure what direction it had come from. Sound travels weird in fog.

Josh and Logan continued towards the open tunnel, now at a slower rate. Once again the goliath let out another call from somewhere close behind them. The call was primitively angry. No program was needed to understand the meaning behind the call.

"The tunnel," Josh said in half a whisper.

"Yeah, the tunnel," Logan replied tiredly. "We are almost at the tunnel."

"No," Josh said. "The goliath's sense the tunnel."

Logan looked up at the tunnel they was their goal. It took an enormous amount of energy to open the tunnel, plus, there was all of the electricity from the computers and lights. The energy signature must have been much higher than anything the goliath's have ever experienced before.

"They probably won't come close to the tunnel, we should be safe," Josh said exclaimed.

It made sense. With each step they took, the safer Logan felt. They were going to get home; it was only another thirty meters or so.

Mini gunfire from both the east and the west announced that Mike and Nassar were heading in their direction. They would be here in moments, and then they would all be safe, in the station.


Jean froze when he heard the snap of the security baton. He didn't have to turn around to know who had made the noise, but he slowly turned around anyway.

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