Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

December 11th, 2157

There were several small dining areas inside the secured area of the station.  However there was no one to prepare any food there.  These rooms had proved to be a great recourse for snacks and drinks, but lacked any real sustenance.

After receiving another briefing about the sensitivity of their work and the need for utter security, the group of linguists left the secured area and ventured into the common part of the station.  This station was easily big enough to house a few hounded thousand people, but probably had a tenth of that currently.

The cafeteria was a large room that could probably seat several thousands of people at one time.  The room itself was large enough that you could see the curve in the floor.  Along the edge of the cafeteria were several food vendors waiting to make a variety of foods from hundreds of different nations.

After having selected their meals of choice, the linguists and their escorts sat together in silence.  So much had happened to them in the last few days, and they couldn't talk about any of it at the moment.  For Logan it was hard to think of anything else but their current work and the potential of what was to come.

Eventually the group began to relax a little and silence was replaced with simple conversation.  Logan was content listening to others, he wasn't tempted to join in.  He was tired, and could feel the pressure of the depression that he had been battling for the last few months.

"Did you know this station has several dance clubs?"  Said a voice down towards the end of the table.  Logan wasn't sure who had said it.

"Twelve dance clubs," replied Nora.  "There are also twenty six theaters, eight gyms, four pools, and just about anything else you could think of."

"It says here it's all free for anyone to use," said another disembodied voice.

"James," Nora said, "when was the last time you took me dancing?"  Her voice had a hint of seduction mixed with want.  "Lets go tonight!" Nora said.

"Sure, why not.  Only, I don't think I will be staying out too late, it's been a long day."  James said.

"Logan," Nora said turning to face him.  "Would you like to come out with us?"

Logan had been paying attention, but not expected to be pulled into the conversation.  "Um, no.  I think I might call it an early night."

"Alright, have fun."  Nora said as she sprang up from her seat and bussed her tray.

James gave a Logan a weak smile, "Are you sure, you look like you could use a distraction?"

"Yeah," replied Logan.  "I think a good nights rest will be exactly what I need."

James nodded his head and followed his wife away from the table and out of view.  Other members of the party began to file away heading to their own destinations.

Logan took the time to look around the large cafeteria.  Most of the people around him wore the blue jumpsuit with the company’s logo on its left breast.   Then Logan noticed the two people who stood out from the rest.  One was an old man with grey hair, and the other was an NBS.  Logan remembered them as the two who were trying to gain access to the secure area when they first arrived on the station.

Logan gave Mike a light tap on the arm and pointed to the two.  "Who do you suppose they are?"

Mike looked over and gave the two a thorough examination.  "Independent contractors, most likely."  Mike paused as a thought went through his mind.

"What?" Asked Logan.

"I..." Mike said not sure of himself.  "It might be possible that they are...  Well they might be contractors."

"You said that already," Logan said not understanding what he was trying to say.

"No," Mike said.  "A contractor is a nickname for a highly trained independent spy.  The two fit a description of a pair that I have heard of before.  But that may only a coincidence."

Logan stared at the old man a tried visualizing him as a top-secret spy for hire.  The thought was absurd.  He then found himself being pulled back to that familiar place of depression that he so wanted to avoid.

"Mike," Logan said.  "Have you been in combat before?"

It was apparent that Mike wasn't expecting the sudden change in subject.  "Uh, yes.  I have been in several skirmishes in my career."

"How do you deal with it... death that is?”

Mike's face softened as he recognized the question for what it was.  "It's never easy.  But with time you get use to it."  He took a breath before continuing, "Until then, I have found that I can loose myself in my training."

"Your training?"  Logan inquired.

"Yes, something to focus my mind that will take away from the time your mind would have to wonder."

Logan looked down at a spot on the table in front of him.  His mind processed what Mike had just told him.  He searched for something that he could do that would help occupy his mind in such a way.

"Would you like to train with me?"  Mike asked Logan.

Logan looked up at Mike, but didn't respond.

"I have trained several soldiers, and I think that I could tailor the training to a civilian such as yourself.  It will not be easy, but it will help you get through this tough time."

Logan thought about it for a moment.  Then looking Mike directly in the eyes replied, "it would be an honor."

Mike stood up, "We can begin tomorrow morning.  Lets head to our quarters so you can get a good nights rest before we start."

Logan stood, and followed Mike out of the cafeteria and to the sleeping quarters.  Their sleeping quarters were not far from the secured area of the station.  Logan guessed that this was fairly lucky.  Most of the station was made of such quarters, followed closely by large common areas like the cafeteria.  The walk only took a few minutes.

The hallways reminded Logan of the dormitories at University.  A long narrow hallway with doors on both sides marked with a series of numbers and letters.  Mike glanced once at his DNAC to confirm which room was theirs, before opening the door.

The room was small with a desk on one side and bunks built into the wall on the other.  On the far side from where they entered was a series of shelves.  Logan's duffel along with duffel that he assumed belonged to Mike sat on the bottom of the two bunks.

"Do you have a preference as to top or bottom," Mike asked?

"No," Logan answered.

"Well," Mike said with a laugh.  "I think that I will let you have the bottom bunk.  If you are serious about training, you will be cursing me if you had to climb up there every night."

For a sort moment Logan was worried about how hard Mike's training would be.  But the moment passed as Mike grabbed his duffel and began to unpack it into the shelves.  In a short span of time, his duffel was unpacked and stowed neatly.  Then in a flash, the large man was up and on the top bunk.

Logan collected his duffel and unpacked his few items into the shelf.  Once that was finished he fell ungracefully onto the lower bunk and didn't move.  He was tired, it had not only been a long day, but it had been a long several months.  He hoped that the training would be able to pull him from his funk.

His breathing had begun to slow as sleep began to take hold.  He was almost asleep when he heard mike in the bunk above him.

"Good night, Logan."

"Night," was all he managed before he was taken by the abyss.

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