Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

January 29th, 2158 (Station Time)

After setting up the common room, Logan then sent messages to Manuel, Josh, Suke, Mika, and Eamon; inquiring if they needed any help.  Logan hoped that Eamon didn't need any help.  The less time he spent in his presence the better.  However, excluding him from the group would make things even more uncomfortable.

With in seconds, he received a polite rejection message from each person, except Eamon.  It seamed as if Eamon was content with excluding himself from the group.  At least Logan couldn't be blamed for any contention between members of the team.

For the first time in weeks Logan found himself alone with nothing to do.  The last time had been while he was being observed over night in the med bay.  At that time, he had used his brothers recordings to pass the time.  For the time, Logan wanted to avoid thinking about any conspiracies while on planet.  There was nothing that he could do from here.  His time was better spent with the concerns of Clotho Three.

He could read a book, or watch a movie, but instead Logan decided that he would attempt to get a little sleep.  Logan collected his bag from the pallet and headed back to the sleeping rooms.  The bunks had been assigned before they left the station.  Logan found his exactly where he knew it would be.

Logan set his bag on his bunk and pulled a light cotton-sleeping garment.  He carefully undressed from his control suit and then dressed in the garment.  He then hung the control suit on the end of his bunk.  He then turned on air tank that matched earth's composition of air, and slipped the light mask over his nose and mouth.

Slipping into his bunk, Logan wondered to himself if he would be able to fall asleep.

Logan blinked his eyes.  It felt as if no time had passed; yet his body felt heavy and slow to respond.  He not only had he been asleep, he had slept deeply.  Checking his DNAC, he had been asleep for a little over seven hours.

Slowly, Logan turned of his air, and removed the mask.  He sat up and began to stretch, then the thought hit him, in a little over an hour, he and Mike would set out in search of the rover.  Excitedly, he jumped out of bed, and dressed in his control suit and covered it with the cover alls.

Reentering the common room, Logan saw that Suke and Josh had added the hygiene rooms.  Each hygiene room had a shower, toilet and sink.  One was added branching from the common room, and a second from the kitchen.

Logan took advantage of the Hygiene room connected to the common room.  After relieving himself and cleaning up a bit, Logan decided to kill a little time by taking a short walk outside the compound.

Exiting the compound Logan got his first good look at Clotho Three.  Located in the foothills of an impressive mountain range, the compound was nestled in a draw.  The compound was hidden well; one would have to be standing on either of the ridges looking down in order to see it.  Even then, the camouflage netting made the compound blend in even more.

The ground was mostly rocks and hard dirt, all a variation of red brown and tan.  There were several large boulders that must have fallen from the slopes high above.  Logan wondered if there was any danger from falling rocks and made a personal note to ask Mika about it.

On a whim, Logan began to climb the ridge to the west.  He knew that the ocean was about thirty kilometers in that direction.  He was hoping to get a glimpse.  Also, the village of the Clothos was on that coast.  It was close to eighty kilometers way, to the northwest.  He didn't think that he would be able to see it but wanted to look anyway.

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