Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

 January 28th, 2158

Logan and Mike continued the rest of the way to the conference room in silence.  It didn't take long for Mike to completely compose himself.  After only a few minutes you wouldn't have been able to tell that he had been talking about something so emotionally crippling.  Let alone, that he had teared up and cried a little.

Upon entering the conference room they were greeted by the engineer Josh and his escort who Logan had been introduced to as Chuck.  Pleasantries were passed among the group before they were asked to take a seat by Daris.

The group sat down at the long table that was in the center of the room.  Mike sat on Logan's left, while Josh took the seat at his right.  Chuck sat in-between Josh and Taavi.  Logan didn't know much about Taavi, other than the fact that he was another Security Special Forces officer.  Next to Taavi was his charge, Manuel.  Manuel was quiet, and rarely spoke, but he was pleasant enough to be around.

On the far side of the table sat the other half of the team.  Mika was a geologist and he sat next to Gantulga.  Mika was the smallest member of the team, standing just over one and a half meters and no more than 45 kilograms.  The small pale man was the polar opposite from his escort Gantulga.  Gantulga was from Mongolian decent and was the largest member of the team.  He stood over two meters tall and easily weight more than one hundred kilograms.  He had massive legs and arms and a round belly to match.    Even though he had a round belly, it was obvious that he was still in great physical shape.

Next to Gantulga sat Eamon, a young chemist.  If there was a negative comment to make, he was the person to make it.  Logan couldn't remember once seeing him smile.  Eamon's escort was Aashif.  Aashif didn't like Eamon's personality and took it upon himself to poke fun of the chemist every chance he could.

Suke, a middle-aged man sat next to Aashif.  Suke was the second engineer on the team.  Next to him sat Nassor, a thin yet still very muscular young man.

Daris stood at the head of the conference table and cleared his thoughts as he prepared to speak.

"Welcome team to our last meeting before you expedition begins."  Daris smiled wryly, "but don't worry, we will have plenty more meetings when you return to the station."

Daris paused waiting for a laugh that never came.  The smile vanished from his face, "The last group thought that joke was funny.  Ok, on to business.  Tomorrow we have a departure time for your team at zero seven thirty station time.  That will place you on Clotho Three with three hours of night cover to establish a home base."

"We also expect heavy fog upon your arrival.  This will give you a few additional hours of cover, if it is needed.  As most of you are already aware, Clotho Three has roughly a thirty six hour day night cycle."

"You were not trained on a thirty six hour cycle, because you will not be on Clotho Three long enough to acclimate.  You will be spending just over four planetary days, which is six station days.  Are there any questions about time?"

Daris waited for a moment before continuing, "Alright, we have gone over all of our objectives several times.  But lets touch up again on the basics.  This first mission is reconnaissance.  We are not ready to make first contact yet.  Your team will arrive on planet and begin surveying, and studying.  Under no circumstances are you to make contact with the local inhabitants.  Stay hidden and observe.  Are there any questions?"

Daris entered a command on his DNAC and activated a holo map in the center of the table.  The map was almost identical to the satellite photo that they where shown before when they realized that there was sentient life on this planet.  The coastline was easily seen, along with several non-natural structures along one part of it.  A little ways away from the village a red dot marked the map.

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