Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

April 14th 2157

            Gentle strumming of music passed through the walls into the room where Brit and Jean were staying.  It was an annoyance, but one that was easily dealt with.  At least with VayKay the music didn’t need to be loud.

            Madam Hitomi owned several VidDen’s all around Japan.  And the room that they were currently staying, was a convenient and cheep staging area for any operation that Jean and Brit were working.  It was convenient, mostly for Madam Hitomi’s ability to overlook shady operations for enough money.

            VayKay was a drug that a pharmaceutical student invented while still in school.  In the most basic terms VayKay was a synthesized variant of LSD that was mixed together with a sustained release re-uptake inhibitor.  This made for a trip that would last as long as the sustained release re-uptake inhibitor was still working.

            The first form of the drug was taken by tablet, and was easily passed from dealer to user.  The student and his friends who worked in their homemade lab became overnight millionaires.  The first several batches would give a sustained trip that lasted close to eight hours.  The best selling point of the drug was little to no side effects.  It seamed that the only side effect was chemical dependency, and only for those who used once a week or more.

            VayKay quickly became the drug of choice for rich up and comers.  Parties for celebrities would have a ready stock for any willing to try it out.  After the first year of its introduction, it was listed as the fourth most consumed illicit drug in the world.

            A second version of the drug was released two years later, which had two major changes.  This new drug was administered by an inhaler, which allowed the drug to enter the blood stream by way of the lungs almost instantly.  And a new formula for the sustained release mechanism allowed for users to dial up or down the length of time the drug was slowly released into the user.  VayKay users could now take a trip that could last all weekend.

            With the new changes with VayKay, it became common to find users who had become dehydrated and then died.  Gangs and the mafia quickly found out that a light dose would leave the user weak minded and easy to influence.  Rich and influential people would be kidnapped and administered the drug.  Then forced to follow the wants of their captors.

            Madam Hitomi opened up the first VidDen, attempting to monetize on the susceptibility of the users minds.  For not a small amount of money, Madam Hitomi would not only supply the drug, but would also give the user their own private room, IV drip, and a nurse who would check vitals of each user once per hour.

            The genius part was the emersion video screens that would be preprogrammed with the users desires.  The programs were designed to direct the users trip, helping the users to play out any fantasy that could be thought of.

            There was a knock at the door.  Jean stood from the computer and walked over and opened the door.  In the hall stood two figures, Brit and a small teenaged girl wearing Kimono and face paint.  Jean stepped to the side of the door and gestured for the young woman to enter.  Once inside Jean spoke in flawless Japanese, “Maiko Akiyama, it is an honor to have you as a guest.  Can I get you anything?”

            Maiko Akiyama studied Jean for a moment then briefly glanced at Brit.  “No, thank you.”  She held out a folder for Jean and said nothing more.

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