Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

January 28th, 2158

Logan took his normal seat in the linguistics room.  He was excited to find out what he downloaded from the NBS.  He hoped that they accepted his offer and would look into Jacob's death.  He fought the urge to open the file, but decided to wait until the daily presentations began.

James entered the room, looking as if he had a pleasant morning.  He took his seat and began shuffling through files on his DNAC.  He was most likely organizing his notes for the presentations.

Tim stood up and gave his signature-charming smile.  He began by calling attention and welcoming everyone to today's meeting.  He didn't get very far into his welcoming speech before the door being opened very dramatically interrupted him.

Nora stormed into the room staring hate directly at Logan.  She sat down in her seat, and placed a food parcel on the table.  She gave Logan one last stare before turning her attention to her food.

With the presentations started, and Nora focused on her food, Logan activated his DNAC and opened the downloaded file.  The file contained two folders.  The first was a document that was titled "read me".  The second was a mass of computer code.  Logan didn't know how to write or read code so he opened the document first.

The document was simple with only one line.  It read; We accept your terms.  That was it there was nothing else.  Logan was thrilled that they accepted, yet felt somewhat let down with the simplicity of the document.

Hoping for a little more from the second folder, he exited out of the document.  As soon as he entered the command to exit the document his DNAC powered down.  A wave of panic hit Logan as he worried that he may have contracted a virus in his DNAC, and therefore in his bone.

He tried to restart his DNAC, but his panic grew, as it wouldn't start on command.  He tried a second time, and once again there was no response.  If this was a virus, then he needed to get to the nearest medical facility quickly to try and reduce physical damage to his body.

Just as he was about to jump up and run out of the room, his DNAC powered up.  He froze in his seat wondering what had just happened.  His DNAC had never behaved this way.  He had never had a virus before, and wondered if a virus had the ability to power a device on and off.

He opened his download que to try to get a better look at the folder containing computer code.  The downloaded information wasn't there.  The file that he had been looking at just moments before was gone.  He ran through his download history, and there was nothing there.  Checking his backup files, OS interface history, and anywhere else he could think of he searched for the file that he downloaded.

A few minutes passed, and he couldn't find any trace that it had been there.  Logan began to relax a little assuming that the file had been created to erase any tracks in his DNAC.  He preformed a virus scan, and systems scan to verify that everything was working, properly.

Each scan returned mundane, there was no apparent virus or problem with his DNAC.  Logan slumped back in his chair and exhaled loudly.  Loud enough that several people around him turned and looked.

Sorry, Logan mouthed to the onlookers.  They each turned away and went back to what ever previously held their attention.  All, that is, except for Nora.  Nora was still looking at him, but her expression had changed from anger to concern.

"Are you ok?"  Nora whispered.

"Y-Yeah," Logan stammered.

"You look pail, and have sweat on your brow."  She continued.

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