Chapter 66

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Chapter 66

February 3rd, 2158 (station time)

"He... he led them away?" Josh asked stupidly. Josh began to look around, possibly hoping to find Chuck somewhere.

"After I hid, someone ran by. They were being followed by, uh, two goliaths." Logan was struggling to remember all of the details. "Yeah, I believe I heard two different goliath's chasing after the runner. I thing the runner was Chuck."

Logan began to scan the ground trying to find footprints to verify his story. It didn't take long; there was a mess of tracks. It was easy to see that there were at least two sets of tracks for the goliaths, an occasionally a human footprint could be seen. The human prints were more often than not obscured or covered by the larger goliath prints.

Josh saw the tracks as well. He studied them for a brief time, before he took off running in the direction of the tracks.

"Hey!? Where are you going?!" Logan shouted after Josh.

Josh didn't respond, he simply ran following the tracks. Logan began to chase after Josh, but he stopped suddenly and turned back towards the group of bushes that hid Suke. He thought for a moment, about how Suke would probably be out for a little while longer, and therefor he didn't need to stay. He could follow Josh and come back for Suke a little later.

After a moment of in fighting with himself, morality won and he walked back towards Suke's hiding spot. As he walked he noticed that the sky was beginning to lighten. The area was still covered in dense fog, but light was slowly starting creep in to replace the darkness of night.

Once he reached Suke's bushes, Logan wondered what he should do. There was probably something he could do that would improve their situation. He couldn't think of any grand solution, but instead picked up a branch and began to remove all of the footprints from the area.

Logan worked towards, Josh's hiding spot, and then his own. He removed all of the prints close to Suke's spot and then began to work back towards were they had found the tracks that Josh was now following. He almost allowed himself to begin sweeping up the goliath's prints as well, but something stopped him. Some warning in the back of his mind told him not to erase those tracks.

Logan stopped all together and thought about this little warning in his head. Usually there was a reason for these warnings, and he simply needed to figure out why his subconscious was warning himself.

After thinking for a few brief minutes, he realized that if a third goliath was following the first two, then they would notice if the tracks suddenly vanished. Realizing this, Logan now had a new problem to worry about. Josh's new tracks over the other goliaths tracks. There was no way to erase those tracks without affecting the goliath's tracks as well.

Eventually, Logan decided that leaving Josh's tracks was the lesser giveaway to their position. It was also possible that his smaller tracks could go completely unnoticed, however unlikely.

Erasing his tracks, Logan made his way back to Suke's location. He gave a final look in the direction that Josh had run, before ducking under the branches and crawling into bushes. The space was already small, but now with two fully-grown men sharing the space, it was uncomfortably tight.

Fatigue won out, and Logan gave into the desire to lie down and rest. Awkwardly he pressed his back against a few of the bushes, curled his knees close to Suke's chest, with his feet over Suke's buried legs. Logan, now in the fetal position, wondered how uncomfortable it would be if Suke woke up before he did.

His eyes closed, and a wave of joy knowing he was about to sleep for a little while spread through his body. He was almost out, when he heard the familiar voice that brought him out of sleep last time.

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